A word to new mothers *warning rant ahead*

May 24, 2008 14:47

Well I know it has been a super long time since I have used my LJ.

Today I felt the need to rant and this is the perfect place to do it.....

I want to qualify this rant with the following statement,
I am proud of all the new parents and I understand the unconditional love you have for your kids.

Rant forthcoming.....

Having said that I did your family please please consider the rest of us when you talk to us.

Don't call me or IM me or send me a text message asking how I am doing and then immediately jump into conversation telling me you have a sick child.
If you want to talk to me about your sick kid don't go into it with the guise of actually giving a fuck how I am doing.

If you want to talk to me fine but don't go out of your way to tell me your kid has the green apple splatters.

Also let's talk about facebook and MSN status.
Cool Its nice to see whats new with you....but is it appropriate to have your facebook status to "my poor baby child is teething and is shitting cornflakes out of every hole on him"

Like anybody fuckin cares!

I can understand "yay my kid is 1 year old today"
but do we need "my glowing baby boy has lived for 365 days in this wonderful world. Today he got a trike and a race car from grandma"

Again please don't think I hate you or your children because I really don't, I love kids.
Rest assured I will ask how they are when we talk.

And that is my rant.
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