(Fanfic- one shot) M&M's

Apr 13, 2008 23:05

Title: M&M’s
Group(s): KAT-TUN
Pairing: Akame, JunDa, TaNaka, KaMeDa friendship
Genre: I think it’s mostly lots of crack with bits of fluff thrown in.
Rating: PG-13 for some light swearing.
Summary: KAT-TUN has a sleepover/group party of sorts at Ueda’s place and insanity ensues. It includes Jin’s weird request of m&m’s, Maru locking himself in the bathroom and oh so much more.
Beta’d By:
A.N.: I sadly do not own any of the boys… though we all know we’d love to own at least one of them. This was inspired by someone (I can’t remember who now) mentioning m&m’s in an entry on her lj. No seriously this entire fic was inspired by someone mentioning a bag of m&m’s. xDD Holy crap, I started this in September 2007! And I finally finished it 7 months later! This took me sooo long to write for some reason, but I’m really happy with how it came out, and I’m really happy that I finally finished it. Don’t forget to read my note at the end of the fic as well once you’ve finished reading the fic. ^^
X-Posted to:


“Someone remind me why I agreed to host this at my place again?” A slightly annoyed looking Ueda muttered as he opened the door for the third time, which signaled the arrival of two of the remaining three members of KAT-TUN who hadn’t yet arrived (Kame and Jin seemed to have arrived on time for once).

“Because Tat-chan, your place is bigger than everyone else’s.” A seemingly calm Jin said as he removed his shoes and placed them next to the shoes belonging to the other members already there. Tatsuya just stared at Jin in disbelief for a moment before being patted on the shoulder by Kame (who gave him a sympathetic smile).

“Jin, you know that still doesn’t answer my question…” The older of the two started to say before being cutoff by Jin.

“Well, it doesn’t matter now since it’s far too late to change locations since nearly all of us have arrived.”

“Where is Maru anyways?” Kame asked as he walked past Tatsuya and headed towards the living room, spotting Koki sitting on a couch (a bag on the floor by his feet) and Junno over by the TV hooking up his Wii (two bags sitting near him). Koki looked up at Kame and waved at him.

“Well, thanks to an apparent last minute text message from Jin over there…” Koki stopped speaking to point at Jin who had now also come into the living room. “Yuichi is now making a store run to find some M&M’s. My guess is that Jin figured Yuichi would be late anyways, so he asked him to go buy it.” Koki finished with a small sigh.

Kame and Tatsuya looked at each from where they were both sitting, Kame on the other couch, and Tatsuya in his favorite chair, both sharing knowing looks.

“You miss him, don’t you!” Jin shouted out rather loudly all of a sudden, causing Junno to drop the game he had been holding. Koki got up and smacked Jin in the head, and at the same time Kame smacked Jin in the head. Jin whined about that hurting his head but Kame just shook his head in response and muttered the word, “Bakanishi.”

This caused Jin to pout and then start talking about how he wasn’t stupid, and then he brought up the fact that he knew more English now than the rest of them combined. Everyone but Junno, who had gone back to taking games out of one of the bags he had brought, rolled their eyes at Jin.

“Jin, you don’t need to keep bringing that up you know.” Kame said glaring at Jin before getting up and going over to Junno, offering to help take games out of the bag (Junno smiled widely up at Kame).

“Kame~” Jin whined, but was promptly ignored. Jin didn’t say anything again after that, but decided to stare at Kame’s back, hoping to get the younger one’s attention. Silence fell over the five of them, except for the occasional mutter from Junno to Kame about a game he was pulling out.

That silence didn’t last long, thanks to Koki who decided to start rapping about completely random things including Kame having bright pink boxers with white bunnies on them. After he said that, Jin and Tatsuya both burst into laughter, Junno too absorbed in a game.

Kame dropped one of the games he was holding, stood up and whirled around to glare at Koki. Then he said, ”How did you know that? Yamapi gave me those as a gag gift for my last birthday….”

The only people who actually knew about those boxers were Kame himself, Yamapi (since he had been the one who had given them to Kame) and…

“JIN! You told people about the boxers didn’t you?!” Kame shouted, pointing at Jin.

Koki now had a shocked look on his face. “Dude… You really have pink boxers with white bunnies on them? I was just messing around.”

The youngest KAT-TUN member’s face immediately flushed red. Then he immediately turned around and sat down, watching Junno playing the game. This just caused the other three to roar with laughter. They finally stopped laughing after about five minutes. Kame refused to look at them or turn around and talk to them since he really didn’t think the whole thing was all that funny.

“You know Kame, I have a pair of white boxers with bright pink bunnies on them if it makes you feel any better. Uepii bought them for me last week. He practically squealed with delight when he saw them.” Junno said low enough so only Kame could hear him.

Kame just turned and stared at Junno, before bursting into a fit of his own laughter.

“Are… You… Serious Junno?!” Kame managed to say through his laughter. That of course caused Jin, Koki, and Ueda to all look at the pair with curiosity. Junno just calmly paused the game and turned to look at Kame, who had fallen over on his back and was still laughing.

“Yup. See, I knew you’d feel better.”  Junno said, grinning down at his friend.

“Oi, what are you two talking about?” Jin asked rather loudly, even though it wasn’t necessary at all.

Kame by now stopped laughing and had managed to sit up again with help from Junno.

He turned around slightly and looked at Jin, Koki and then Tatsuya (exploding with laughter upon seeing the latter).

All Junno said in response to Jin’s question was, “Just a little joke between friends.” With that, he smiled at Jin and then as he was about to turn around and go back to the game, he flashed a smile straight at Tatsuya.

“Love you, Tat-chan~” He said in a sing-song voice before he went back to playing the game.

Tatsuya just blushed slightly when Junno said that, and that of course caused more laughter from Kame, and Tatsuya’s blushing also caused Jin and Koki to laugh as well.

“Oh shut up, it’s not like you guys don’t say that kind of thing either!” Tatsuya said looking away, still blushing.

A few minutes later, the door bell rang, but no one made the move to get up and answer it. Junno was absorbed in playing a fighting game with Koki, Kame had finally stopped laughing and was now watching Junno play Koki in the fighting game. Jin was watching as well (however he was more intent on staring at Kame’s back instead). Tatsuya was reading a magazine and slightly paying attention to what the other four were doing.

All of a sudden… BANG.

The sound of something hitting the door was heard throughout the entire apartment. A now slightly annoyed Tatsuya got up to go and answer the door, since no one else had even bothered moving. So it shocked him when he pulled open the door and saw…

Maru standing there holding a whole lot of plastics bags, all containing bags of M&M’s. He clearly must have had one hell of a time pressing the doorbell (which is probably why he didn’t press it a second time and opted instead to kick the door).

Instead of greeting his friend properly, Maru just walked right past Tatsuya into the apartment and right over to where Jin was sitting and dropped every single one of the plastic bags onto him.

“Maru, what the hell was that for?!” Jin shouted, angered by the fact that his concentration on Kame had been broken, and that he had several plastic bags containing his requested M&M’s dropped right onto him.

Maru said nothing but glared at Jin before turning and heading for the bathroom, locking the door after himself. Everyone stayed where they were for a minute before they all snapped back to reality. Koki jumped up off of the floor, abandoning the game controller and went running towards the bathroom and began calmly knocking on the door. “Yuichi, please let me in.”

All Koki got in reply was silence, and he turned towards the living room and said, “Bakanishi look what you’ve done!”

“I didn’t do anything though~ All I did was ask him if he could pick up about 30… No, 60 bags of M&M’s on his way here.” Jin whined in reply, pouting even though Koki couldn’t see him doing so from his position outside the bathroom door. Koki resisted the urge to bang his head on the bathroom door and decided instead to knock gently on it.

“Yuichi, please open the door and come out. I don’t want to see you upset. If it’s something I did, I’m really sorry.”

The locked clicked and seconds later the door slowly opened. Maru launched himself forward and latched onto Koki, who just calmly wrapped his arms the older one. Jin (who, along with the other members of the group, had moved into the hallway near the bathroom door) was about to open his mouth and say something in regards to Koki and Maru hugging, but Kame smacking his hand over Jin’s mouth got him to close his mouth. (Though not before licking Kame’s hand. Kame responded by smacking Jin in the head and glaring at him.)

“Koki~” Maru was… Whining? It was not something he usually did, and that caused everyone’s jaws to drop. Maru pulled back to look at Koki with a huge grin plastered on his face before turning his head to look at Kame.

“Did I shock you guys? And Kame, I told you I could pull off a tantrum like Jin could, except you know I don’t stay mad over the stupidest things.”

Koki’s face flashed slightly with anger at having been tricked into thinking Maru was really upset about something, but it quickly went away because he couldn’t stay angry at Maru for very long. Kame just grinned at Maru and said, “You proved me wrong… But I told you I am NOT wearing that bunny costume to work. Ever.”

Maru just grinned and muttered something about getting Jin to force it on him while Kame was asleep before saying, “Jin, you had better not ever make me do something like that by myself again. Next time you want so many stupid M&M’s, just ask me to go with you and get them. Now let’s get this party started~!” Maru did a little beat-boxing before heading into the living room.

~Ten minutes later after everyone had all changed into pajamas~

“Jin, I swear if you hit me with that pillow I will shave your head bald while you’re sleeping.”

Jin, who had been about to smack Tatsuya in the head, immediately dropped the pillow he had been holding with both hands and backed away.

“Ok, ok. I won’t hit you. I promise Tat-chan. Just please don’t shave my head~ I don’t want my beautiful hair to go bye-bye.”

“Good, now sit down and shut up. We’re going to start the movie soon.”

“But I don’t have any popcorn yet~” Jin whined.

“… Must you always have…” Tatsuya started to say, but was cut off by Jin.

“Yes, yes. I must always have popcorn. It’s the yummiest thing ever… Well, one of the yummiest things ever anyways. The number one yummiest thing is...”

“Here Jin. I made you your very own bowl of popcorn so you don’t have to share.” Kame said shoving a bowl into Jin’s chest, which the other immediately squealed at with happiness and took it.

“I love you, Kame!” Jin said before he ran around the couch and sat down on the floor in front of it, leaning against Tatsuya’s legs. Kame blushed, and the rest of the group chuckled at the sight, but didn’t say anything for fear of angering Kame, which they really didn’t want to do right now.

The group finally got settled in to watch the movie (they were watching The Notebook) after a few kicks to Jin’s back by Tatsuya for leaning against him without even asking. Also, another small incident where the coffee table got kicked which caused a bottle of orange pop to spill and land on the floor. Luckily, it was easy to clean up since it was still hardwood flooring and Tatsuya’s beautiful fluffy white carpeting wasn’t supposed to be put in until next week.

When  the movie ended, the members of KAT-TUN were either silently crying (Koki, Jin, Junno) or getting up to stretch before getting out the futons and laying them on the floor around the living room just in case anyone wanted to bed.

Two hours, six cups of tea, one trip to the bathroom to throw up (because Jin had eaten forty bags of M&M’s during the entire movie by himself), three bowls of popcorn and another six cups of tea later, most of the group was finally ready to go to bed. Kame patted Jin on the head and said, “See Jin? I told you not to eat all those M&M’s and you ended up throwing up twice as a result of it.” When Jin came out of the bathroom for the second time and had proceeded to drop sleepily onto a futon.

“No you didn’t. You just glared at me when I started eating that tenth bag of M&M’s.”

“Whatever. Now shut up and go to sleep and you had better not throw up on me while I’m asleep, or else.”

Jin, as well as the rest of the group, knew what the ‘or else’ meant and so while Jin pouted, the others were giggling childishly at him.

“Why don’t you four stop giggling, shut up and go to sleep already?” Jin grumbled as he pulled the blanket up to his chin and proceeded to fall asleep.

Shortly afterwards, the rest of the group climbed into futons that had been laid out on the floor and went to sleep as well. Or so it seemed because about half an hour later, after making sure the rest of the group was asleep, Koki and Maru got out of their futons and proceeded to pull some pranks on their sleeping bandmates. When they had finished they went back to their futons, which of course were right next to each other, and went back to sleep.

~ The next morning…~

“WHAT THE HELL IS ON MY FACE?!” Kame shouted from the bathroom, where while washing his hands, he had looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. A few seconds later he came running out of the bathroom, surprising his sleepy looking bandmates who had been woken up by his shouting. Tatsuya stared at Kame before he burst into laughter and fell backwards onto his futon.

“I wouldn’t be one to laugh Tat-chan. You have something on your face as well!” Kame said, the anger in his voice replaced with amusement.

“And you two…” He said pointing at Jin and Junno. “You two have something in your hair… Wait Jin, you don’t have any hair.”

Jin let out a loud shriek and bolted towards the bathroom, leaving laughing and also slightly angered (Kame and Tatsuya) bandmates behind him. Jin discovered that he hadn’t been shaved bald, but had had a cap put over his head to make it look like he was bald. Later, he came out of the bathroom with a pout on his face.

“That wasn’t funny. I really thought my head had been shaved. And Koki, Maru. Why are you the… Wait, you’re the ones who did this aren’t you?!” Jin said, realizing as he spoke that Koki and Maru were the only ones who didn’t have anything written on them, or something stuck into their hair (Junno had spikes with pink bows attached to them in his hair).

The two just started laughing in response and Jin proceeded to pick up a pillow and launched himself at the two. In the end, a huge group pillow fight was started after Jin, who had been trying to hit Maru accidently hit Tatsuya instead when Maru dove to the group to get out of the way. They eventually settled down enough to eat breakfast and to get ready for the work free day ahead of them.

OWARI~! ((I cannot believe I FINALLY finished this. I’m really happy with the way it came out though, so I hope you enjoyed reading it! Did any of you managed to spot my reference to my most favorite crack fic ever? Well you might not have, if you aren’t a huge fan or haven’t read it before, you won’t get the reference which for some reason I tend to slip into my fics. xD And I must thank Nya (
yangkuang) for suggesting I use the movie The Notebook when I asked her what movie would be funny to have KAT-TUN watch. And remember, comments are ♥ And I don’t do this nearly enough, but I want to thank my wonderful beta Kito for always betaing my fics, I really appreciate it! ^^))

maru, kat-tun, akame, tanaka, koki, kame, fanfiction, junno, junda, ueda, jin

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