Flist cut

Apr 30, 2009 11:00

I just finished a minor flist cut, not a huge one at all, but I basically unfriended people who haven't updated in over a year and even an empty journal.

I will not all people with empty journals to friend me any longer, sorry not happening.

Most of you though, having nothing to worry about at all, I won't cut you. <3

But if you want to unfriend me, and have been putting it off and putting it off, just do it, no hard feelings at all ok? I might be a little hurt at all cause thats who I am, but I'll get over it and won't let it bother me for too long.

If you were cut and want to remain friends with me, comment here or on the FO post and tell me so. But I will say it again, I will not friend empty journals, and there was one on my flist so I've decided that I'm not allowing people whose journals are empty to friend my personal journal.

flist, flist cut

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