Enough is Enough

Jun 07, 2008 10:13

Ok I know there have been those of you friending me, and are probably wondering why I don't add you back.
Well I don't know your reasons for friending me in the first place, but I will not ever add you back because you have not posted on my Friends Only entry, and not doing that is a big no no. I don't friend people back who randomly friend me.
If your friending me because of my fics, please just remove this journal and go friend my fic journal
nottihime because that is where you will get fic updates from, and I do specially state at the top of the fic index I keep on this journal that I no longer post fics at this journal.
It really is starting to annoy me that people will randomly friend me, and not say anything on my FO post, because thats just really rude, and I may sound harsh but I've finally had enough of being randomly friended.
You can feel free to remove me, because it is not likely I will ever friend you back, and I'll say it again I do not post my fics here anymore, please go friend my fic journal
nottihime for my fic updates.


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