ALSO, I haz a vid!

May 30, 2010 20:24

I know, I know, I should spread my content out, but it feels like I've been working on this for an age and I want to show people! (Though I suppose it can't have been that long; I've only had the DVD since January...)

I did a Hamlet vid!! With the David Tennant RSC version!
stultiloquentia was very patient with me and gave many fabulous beta comments along the way, so thank you to her!


image You can watch this video on

Hamlet doesn't like being watched.

Ophelia doesn't have a choice in the matter.

[Hamlet (RSC 2009) + HEALTH 'Triceratops' (CFCF Remix)]
[To the download link!]


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comments on Dreamwidth!]

hamlet, vidding

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