According to Yahoo....

May 30, 2009 08:52

My horoscope for the day says:

"Just because you've been close to someone for years doesn't mean you know them inside and out."

And that may be the first time the horoscope has ever had anything relevant to say about me. Hm.

And God bless a quiet morning with a good cup of hot tea (even if it doesn't really have enough honey).

Made it home all right, thank God. Car only went clicky once, and that was only this morning, so the trip home actually went very well.  Yes! That's another one down with no incident. *happy dance* And then my sisters and I hate a good, hispanic-volume round of Blink, so it was a really good night.

It's nine in the morning, and I've already been up for hours, because Josh had to get up to get to the school early for breakfast and rehearsal, and then, of course, the lovely little thing forgets his cap and gown and has to call big sis to come save the day. I know, I'm good that way. ^_^

In about an hour, everyone will be up and getting ready, because littlest sis Bekah is in her school's version of 'Annie' this afternoon, and Grammy and Pop-pop are coming down to catch that. Then we'll be catching a late lunch together before we all head over to the Barbara B. Mann for Josh's graduation tonight at seven. I'm so excited! I already got to see him in his cap and gown yesterday, but I'm really looking forward to watching him walk. I just realized I don't have enough film, though, so I'm fretting over going to get film, and maybe pick up a disposable digital, since Mom's digital seems to be broken.

OMG, ya' all! My baby brother's graduating! *skips*

Now, then. Off to make sure Hannah takes the shower I told her she must take. I swear that child is just like I was when I was her age. *sigh* Oh well. At least Mom got one girly girl, even if she had to go through five children to get to her. XD

Wish me good thoughts and prayers that the day goes smoothly!

*skips some more*

car, family, graduation

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