Sep 09, 2007 20:48
Good things:
-I went swing dancing! Chichi knew a lot of the regulars at the dance and kept throwing guys at me, so I danced quite a bit more than I'm used to at a swing dance. It was good. I don't quite remember how to Lindy and this somehow made me a better follow. I guess I was just paying more attention than usual.
-I went rowing! I got "checked out" by the coach and he said I can join the competetive team. It meets three times a week plus he wants me to do sculling lessons on Sundays. So my rowing habit should be satisfied.
-I went tubing and hot-tubbing! Todd and his "brunchketeers" allowed me to tag along on Saturday. I've never been tubing before so I wasn't expecting the crowds of people floating down the river with their beer and stereos and drunken laughter. So while the floating was fun and the company was interesting, 'toobing' is not quite a Miriam activity. The hot tubbing later was better, since we just went to someone's apartment complex. A smaller group of interesting people and no strangers floating by. I could handle more hot tubbing.
-I visited a housing co-op! It's actually quite nice and the people were interesting and sociable. I'm going to join as an associate member which would give me access to their lounges and their cats and their internets and seven meals a week for a mere $50/month and 1 hour labor. And they have a garden, so I could maybe do my labor there... I've been itching to garden since I left my house plants in Philadelphia. If I do this, I wouldn't get internets at my apartment, so I would likely spend a lot of time at the co-op, at least until I get a job. I should get me a bicycle.
Bad things:
-Fire ants! I hate the buggers. I managed to pick one up tubing and carry it to dinner and sit on it so that it felt threatened and chewed up my inner thigh. I would let you know just how much of a bitch that is if it weren't TMI.
-Loneliness. I miss my lovely. I'm caught in this no man's land of not technically being in a relationship but still wanting that relationship. Ross and I talk on the phone fairly often which makes me feel better and worse. Better for the help he gives me. Worse for the heartache. Half the time I just want to go home. I'm doing my best here, but I still want to go home.