A quiz for you thirsty Quijax fans

Apr 23, 2007 17:52

"Borrowed" from onefishclappin:

STATE YOUR AGE FOR THE RECORD: One season shy of 29
1. Do you have a college degree? B.S.E.E. M.S.E.E. Certificate in Human Language Technology. Part of an M.S. in Biomedical Engineering and now I'm flirting with Linguistics (taking a Morphology course at Temple)

2. How much was your last electric bill? 30? I don't actually now since Ross pays the electric. Our last gas bill was ~$250, at the peak of our winter heating.

3. Do you have life insurance? I have some plan my parents set up for me when I was young, one of those things that will cover my funeral and not much else. It's really all I need right now.

4. How many hours per week do you work? Nominally 40 hours, but usually more since there's no predicting when a given job will be finished and they are more likely to finish later than expected. One of the down sides of being an electrician.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event? Nope, don't know what they are.

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour? I haven't done happy hour since I moved to Phil'a, so I don't know. The one bar I've been to is Monk's - they have a great Sour Ale.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)? A little over a mile. Usually I walk (unless it's raining or I'm running behind).

8.What time do you get up for work each day? 6:20 in order to get to work by 7:30. I like to have a little sitting time in the morning - to have breakfast and read a little something and maybe actually wake up.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late? I'm still capable of sleeping a hell of a lot. On weekends when I'm given free rein, I'll sleep until noon. Usually we have things to do, though, so I have to get up by 8.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis? Nope. I do believe I've had it checked once or twice in the last ten years.

11. How large was your first cellular phone? I held out on the cell phone thing until after I moved to Colorado, so I would have gotten it around 2003. It was whatever I could get for free with my contract, but it wasn't terribly big.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance? I'm lucky he provides it at all. It actually is a good plan since it was easier to sign me up for the plan his wife uses than to make a new one.

13. Did you use the internet to write a research paper? As in all research done through the internet? No, I don't think so. I've used scientific papers that I've downloaded from IEEE or other reputable journals, though.

14. Have you attended a HS reunion? There was a party for my fifth year reunion that I went to. I seem to have missed my tenth. I got a call trying to sell my souvenir book but I never received an invitation to the event itself. Maybe they didn't like me because I didn't buy the book?

15. Does myspace consume your life? No, I don't particularly like myspace. LJ, though, takes a big chunk of time. My friends have too much to say :)

16. What is your favorite nonalcoholic drink? Water, hands down. After that, tea. Or milkshakes. Mmmm...

17. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence? Actually, we have some $50 bottles from the (ex) family winery that my dad bought for me. Usually, we buy bottles in the $10 range.

18. Have you been divorced? Nor married neither.

19. How old were you when you stopped getting ID'd for Alcohol? I never really got carded unless everyone got carded, but that's probably because I didn't really start drinking until grad school.

20. Favorite casino? Casinos aren't my bag, baby. I've been to the ones ruining Black Hawk, Colorado and I've been to a couple Indian run thingums, but they're all the same.

21. Are you happier now than you were in high school? Probably. High school was pretty easy on me, though (until it ended and I went into a serious funk - big life changes do that to me)

22. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts? No. I don't recall ever thinking that I wanted one, to be honest. Unless they happened to be in fashion when I happened to need to go shopping, I don't think it would have even come up.

23. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and attracted to older people? Who, Lisa Marie? Oh, wait, he wasn't black then. I remember that my kindergarten friend really liked him and would sing "Beat It" on occasion.

24. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos? Yup. I went through a phase of watching MTV. I liked their Half Hour Comedy Hour.

25. Have you had a will made? Nope. I don't have enough assets to worry about yet. Maybe if we ever buy a house or something, I'll think about it.

26. What music was in your cd/cassette player when you were 16? Huh, what grade was that? 11th, I guess. That was They Might Be Giants and REM and things like that.

27. How long has it been since you attended a kegger? Cleveland, probably. That makes it about 5 years, I guess.

28. How many times have you drove home drunk? Cleveland, again. There was a lot of drinking in Cleveland. Goodness, if I had stayed, maybe I'd be an alcoholic by now.

29. How many major wars have you lived through? What's a major war? The gulf mistakes, both.

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11? Cleveland. I was V.P. of the BME GSA and was responsible for picking up sodas and pizza for the meeting that day and I first heard it on the radio morning show I happened to have on. I thought it was a joke. After I delivered the sodas, I went back to Steiner House and watched the TV until I had to leave again for the meeting. I remember how horrified and impotent I felt, watching the towers fall.

31. What bill do you hate paying the most? Household-wise, I'm only responsible for the cable internet, which is $60/month. I don't understand why it's so expensive, but I couldn't live without it, so...

32. Where's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? Cin Cin, the best Chinese in Philadelphia.

33. Last time you puked from drinking? Cleveland (see above). I haven't been that drunk since and I don't ever intend to be that drunk again.

34. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar? Never. Two things to note here: 1) I don't need to be drunk to do silly things (I'm much more ashamed of saying stupid things than of doing stupid things) and 2) getting drunk doesn't lower my inhibitions that way (it acts more like an intensifier of whatever mood I happy to be in already).

35. Name of your 1st grade teacher? I don't remember. That was all the way back in Massachusetts, so I had no anchors to hang those memories on. I do remember my second grade teacher, Miss Sterling, because she was awesome. She read us Roald Dahl books, threatened to kiss the boys if they misbehaved, and let me read while she was teaching. I wrote at least one college application essay about her.

36. What do you really want to be doing right now? Not much different than I'm doing, sitting out on the porch on a beautiful. Ideally, though, I'd be in a more private place and wearing fewer clothes (and wouldn't have a homework assignment looming over me).

37. What did you want to be when you were growing up? I didn't really know. If pressed, I'd either say writer or scientist.

38. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now? It was on the top of the stack. My work t-shirts are in one stack and I cycle through them. Actually, I cycle through all of my clothes, down to the underwear. It's one of my compulsive touches.

39. How long have you been out of high school? 11 years.

40. Gas prices? What about 'em? I don't really pay attention. I fill up so seldom that I just get whatever there is when I need it.

41. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you? Well, really, I can move anywhere and take Ross with me. We both agree that we like the east coast a lot, but we'll probably end up farther north than Phil'a (a shame. I like Phil'a a lot).

42. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? I'm not really capable of thought then. If anything, something along the lines of "Do I have to get up?"

43. Last thought before going to sleep last night? Homework things, I think. I had just done a lot of reading.

44. Favorite style of underwear? Low-rise, full coverage briefs. Hanes' are comfortable.

45. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex? Ross is my first boxers man. I like the way briefs can look on a body, but I don't care enough to suggest it.

46. What errand/chore do you despise? Dishes. Neither Ross nor I like dishes much and it gets to be a point of contention on occasion.

47. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery? Strange question. Probably not. If I were going to volunteer for something, it would probably be a lot more earthy and lot less shi-shi.

48. Get up early or sleep in? For all the sleeping I do, I do enjoy the morning. If I could wake up feeling refreshed at 6 every day, I'd do it.

49. What is your favorite cartoon character? Don't know. I haven't really watched anything cartoony in a while.

50. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/boy? Board games? When Ross and I are looking for something to do to waste a little time, we usually end up playing WEBoggle.

51. Favorite 80's movie? I was really too young to pay attention to movies in the 80s. Dunno.

52. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart? Don't go to Wal-mart, ever. The last time either of us went was to get emergency thread for a skirt we were making way back last year.

53. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? I think there is validity in the institution, especially the community validation and support at the wedding. I think everyone should be able to get married and that there needs to be room for non-traditional arrangements. Honestly, though, I care more about the wedding than the piece of paper. (Ross doesn't care for weddings, though, so I'll not likely get either.)

54. Do you want to get married? Yes, I do, but it's not urgent. I think the desire for a house is more on my mind than a marriage certificate.

55. Do you want to have kids? No, not really. If an accident happened and I got pregnant, we would probably keep it and love it, but neither of us has a desire for children.

56. Favorite guilty pleasure? Ice cream. Ross can't eat it so I tend to only buy it when he's not around.

57. Favorite bar? Monk's, I guess. That Sour Ale is really something.

58. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about? "Priest" maybe? The only thing I can think of that I wouldn't want broadcast in public is that homoerotic stuff can turn me on ("Queer as Folk" anyone?)

59. What's your alcoholic drink of choice? Mostly, we drink red wine (Shiraz, Beaujolais). I would say for mixed drinks, vodka tonic.

60. Who from high school would you like to run into? I don't know. I kept in touch with the important people. Matt Wagner, maybe. I had a bit of a crush on him.

61. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? 88.5 WXPN, the public radio station that brings you The World Cafe.

62. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back? If anything all that crap with afdmt, but in a way it brought me here to Phil'a, so I can't take it back. I've learned from all my mistakes, I hope.

63. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended use? Nope.

64. Last book you read for real? Guy Gavriel Kay, "The Fionavar Tapestry" series. I've not let myself start anything new since I've had a lot of homework to do. Next will probably be to reread Arundhati Roy's "The God of Small Things" which is an absolutely beautiful novel. Or Joan Didion's "Year of Magical Thinking" because I like to stick my fingers in my wounds.

65. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? New career, hands down. That's what I've been struggling with for the past year or so - trying to figure out what the next step should be and starting down the road to some career (it would be my first one).

66. Do you go to church? Nope. Jewish. I've not done anything with the secular groups around here, though, which I do regret to some degree. I've just not found the idea of a bunch strangers appealing.


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