Nov 11, 2004 23:55
So, something like two weeks ago I jumped up from this very chair I'm sitting in now to answer my cell phone. I didn't realize that my foot was asleep and when I tried to put weight on it, my ankle turned. I finally went to Wardenburg today and had my ankle looked at. It's just strained but it may take another two weeks to heal. Stupid ankle. They gave me a brace to wear and I hate it. It hurts. I'm not to do anything physical (you know, like crew or dancing or anything that I do that isn't sitting on my ass) until I can stand on that ankle or jump on it without it hurting. sigh. I get such stupid injuries.
Oh, right, dead things. There's a dead bird on my doorstep. It doesn't have a head. I should probably clean it up, or maybe just kick it into the bushes. And when I got home tonight, I found a dead mouse lying on the top step of the stairs leading from the main level of the house down to the level where my room is. I guess it got into Dad's poison, but as far as I know it's all out in the garage. I don't like poisoning mice, although I suppose it's better than gluing them down or trapping them by their tails. Poor mouse. Of course, being the strange girl that I am, I couldn't help being fascinated by the little thing. I didn't play with it too much, though, and now it's in the trash out in the garage so its poisons won't contaminate anything. I just wish the mice weren't there, so Dad wouldn't have to kill them at all. Would they come back if we captured them and transported them to, say, the field a block over?
My mind is dead, too. Or, more to the point, my will is. I still haven't started the homework assignment that was due last Wednesday. I haven't talked to the professor to see if it's still worth doing, grade-wise. I haven't updated my resume, even though I talked with my Dad about how to best represent the work I'm not doing for his company. I didn't go to the Bang on a Can All-Stars concert tonight even though I bought the tickets over a month ago (but it's ok, I forgot to bring the tickets to school anyway). I haven't even had the tires changed on my car, although I've been carrying around the winter tires for three weeks now. About the only things that I am doing are hanging out with friends, playing with my hair, reading to all hours of the night, and sleeping late. Oh yeah, and my dinky, little job at the Women's Resource Center. I've managed to put in all of my five hours this week. Is there something wrong with me? Should I have my head checked? Is this another of my life-transitional depressions? That would just suck. I'm so close to finishing this degree!