Blessing of
Angelus Coy Howard
September 29th, 2007
We meet today to bless this child, to place him on the path of happiness and to name him. We will thank the Powers, and introduce the child to the elements for their blessing and protection. We call on the Mother/Father God, and the ancestors that have come before us, Great Grandma Melvia and all others, to bear witness and support this blessing.
There is new addition to our number. Let us give him due welcome.
Who presents this child to the Powers for blessing?
I am Dawn, his mother.
I am Ed, his Father
Do you know what it is to be a parent?
It is to love and nurture, to watch a child grow, and to lead him to the path to right living: that he may know good, and knowing it, may choose wisely. It is to teach and learn.
It is a way of great joy and great pain. It is to take in and cherish so that one day you may let go. It is the greatest responsibility we can take, for our love has become manifest in a person, and who may know its end.
What is the name of this child?
Dawn & Ed:
We present our son, Angelus Coy Howard
Merry Meet, Angelus and much love to you.
(To All)
Everyone, close your eyes and breathe deeply. From overhead, see the bright light of the Spirit pouring into this place and into your heart. Allow this to warm you and fill you to overflowing. When you sense the energy reaching a pinnacle within, direct it outward. Visualize this energy forming a pink sphere of love and joy around this sacred space. Think of the child here with us, and your wishes for him. Give all your love and support to that sphere so that he is surrounded by the blessing of perfect love. So mote it be. You may open your eyes.
Will the godparents please step forward?
In times past, children were not the sole responsibility of the parents. This responsibility is too great for any two people to bear alone. As a reminder that children need many sources of support, the tradition of Godparents arose.
These chosen people will have a special relationship with Angelus; will be moral guides and true friends. Should Angelus need someone to talk too, too look up too or if he is in need of help, his Godparents will be there. It is to open many paths before a child and to show him the ways he may take. It is to be second parents; ready to counsel, ready to love.
(To Jessica)
Jessica, will you participate in the upbringing of this child, Angelus. Will you be there to listen to him, to love him and to provide help if necessary?
I Will
(To Gerald)
Gerald, will you participate in the upbringing of this child, Angelus. Will you be there to listen to him, to love him and to provide help if necessary?
I Will
Will the grandparents, Don, Sylvia, Annie, Rick, Guila, and Chuck, please step forward?
Dear Grandparents, we honor you. You who have come before us, for without you none of us would be here. For you, we ask that you teach the wisdom of your experience. To share the lessons you have learned, to love this child and play with him for he brings youthfulness into your lives and to spoil him and send him home. This part is optional.
Without the presence and support of a caring community, this family can not give Angelus all that he needs to grow strong and balanced. Will all of you here present accept the task of providing a supportive community to this family?
We will.
(To the East)
Hail to the East! Powers of Air and inspiration, limitless sky of thought and imagination. Bless and protect this child. So mote it be.
(Caress baby with feather.)
Blessed be your breath. May your breathing be deep and relaxed. May you breathe in power with ever breath you take. Blessed be each breath.
(To the South)
Hail to the South! Powers of Fire and energy, passion and will. Bless and protect this child. So mote it be.
(Surround baby with incense smoke)
Blessed be the fire inside you. May your will be unbroken. And may it be as strong as fire. May your passions burn truly and free. Blessed be your fire, may it burn strong.
(To the West)
Hail to the West! Powers of Water and insight, the evening tides of emotion and empathy. Bless and protect this child. So mote it be.
(Apply water to baby's head.)
Blessed be the waters of your life. May your blood be strong. May your flow be joyful and deep. Blessed be all your life-waters.
(To the North)
Hail to the North! Powers of Mother Earth, steadfast growth and deep roots. Bless and protect this child. So mote it be.
(Sprinkle baby’s body with salt.)
Blessed be the earth of your body. May your muscles be strong and fearless. May your heart beat with love, soul, vigor and courage. Blessed be your body, which is the body of the Universe.
(Laying hands on the child)
May the Blessings of the wise Father God, far-seeing and far-knowing be upon thee, now and forever.
May the blessings of the Goddess and all her guidance and protection as Maiden, Mother and Crone, be upon thee, now and forever.
Blessed be your spirit. May you always have health in spirit. May you be whole.
May you always have community.
May you be prosperous in all ways.
May you love and be loved.
May your voice be truly heard.
May you always be surrounded by the warmth of family & community.
May you know the innate goodness of your being.
Behold Angelus, the Sun and the Moon, only these are greater than you.
Dawn and Ed, we thank you for being the beautiful vessel for Angelus.
Mother/Father God, we thank you. For the gift of life and the beauty of the world in which to live it. For the gift of love and the wonderful people with which to share it. But most of all today for Angelus, who is both life and love. We ask your blessings as you depart. Hail and farewell.
Mother Earth and Father Sky, we thank you for your help. Go now in peace, but never be far away and answer quickly when Angelus calls, that you might aid him in his need.
Thank you all for bearing witness to the blessing of Baby Angelus. I now welcome each of you to come up to Angelus and give him a blessing, kiss or a hug.