Thanksgiving was one of the best in a long time. We have a ton of fun house hopping, taking home leftovers and not doing any of the work! We ended up at Dad's until 1am playing scene it and poker and then when back over on Saturday to play his new Wii. Ed and I spent the rest of the long weekend on the couch watching all five Harry Potter movies and we finally finished the Order of the Phoenix book.
This Week..
Wednesday: Volunteering at
Penrickton Center with
Pagan CenterThursday: Ornament exchange with Julie’s family.
Friday: Ed's work holiday party at the
Atheneum downtown
Saturday Morning: Chop down the Christmas tree with Dad's clan and hopefully Julie's clan.
Saturday Evening: Pagan Center Kids Yule Party. Rick will make an appearance again as Santa.
Sunday: Christmas tree and home decorating!
Next year, no matter what Christmas does not start until after Thanksgiving. I must remember this!