sometimes I disappear for a while...

Feb 19, 2008 17:41

Paid time off is the best thing ever!!! Everyone should get paid to not work! (even if you don't go anywhere)

3 5 months later...
10 Things I Love About F

From CricketNYC

- Comment and I'll give you a letter.
- You have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter
- Afterwards, post this in your journal.

1.FRIENDS!!! -do I really need to explain?

2.Fun!!! Lots of things are fun! vacations are fun! Everyone should have fun!

3.Flirting. Flirting is fun...and really just makes the day go that much brighter. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, it's still puts sparkles in eyes.

4.festivities ('cause "parties" don't start with the letter "f" ;o)) This time of year it's about the other f's mentioned: friends, fun, flirting.

5."Fuck"- as a curse word. Sometimes, no other word will do. It's short, simple, and everyone knows this interjection.

6. Forgotten money found! -- you know, when you finally drag out your winter clothes and you find money in a jacket pocket! It's like winning the lottery!

7.fruit- maybe it's just me, but nothing is better than a juicy orange in the winter time. Strawberries in June. Apples in the fall. Pineapple. grapes. raspberries...Fruit is the best. We're lucky to get it year round.

8.Fall (technically, Autumn, but this is an "f" list). My favorite time of year. period. Weather is cooler, sky is blue-er, clouds are puffier. Leaves on trees are spectaculary blazing colors. It's the start of the season of comfort food and warm mugs of hot chocolate.

9.Fandom...I've been lurking in one or another of those scary, crazy, wonderfully engaging, mind numbingly annoying wouldn't trade it for another places in the ether for a long time now. I wouldn't be who I am now or know the people I do without it.

10.FLORIDA!!! It took me forever to think of this last one, but when it came up, it was like a lightbulb and OMG! YES!! FLORIDA!!! My wonderful vacation from 2 years ago that had nothing to do with disney, nearly started out with jail time, and have been wanting to repeat since then but haven't been able to go!! Florida vacation 2006 is my final "f"
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