(no subject)

Apr 27, 2007 23:29

I’ve been trying to convince Ferris that he and I should double date with one of his friends sometime soon. Nothing too big - mini golf and drinks or something similar. I don’t really like the girlfriend fiancée of the friend that I suggested, but I do like the friend so I’d be willing to put up with the girlfriend fiancée. Ferris keeps putting off calling his friend and I’m starting to get annoyed. I want to get to know his friends a little better (after all we only get together with them when someone is getting married) and it would be nice to have another couple to do things with.

Today was my last day of class; I have finals on Tuesday (Classical Sociological Theory) and Thursday (History of American Education and Child Development). I also have a research project due by Friday (that’s going to be a struggle to finish, but I’ll try my best. I have to keep telling myself that I'm nearing the end and I'll have an entire summer to recoup.

On either Monday or Wednesday I'm going to try and get my resume out to a couple of temp agencies. I was thinking of 2 by me and 2 by Ferris, and which ever finds me work first is where I'll live for the summer. Ferris is totally okay with me living with him for a few months...I don't know if I'm okay with it though. I like knowing that I can come home to my parents house if I need some alone time. I guess since we're looking at homes together being with him 24/7 is something that I'm going to have to get used to.

This weekend should be nice and boring - I have to study for finals, and Ferris and I have to check out someone's lawn. Ferris is a manager at FedEx and one of the drivers there turfed a customer's lawn, so instead of reporting it as an accident like he should Ferris is going to try and plant grass or something to make it up to the customer. This should be fun to see. Obviously I'll be taking and posting lots of pictures.

Have a great weekend!

school:undergraduate, ferris

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