(no subject)

Jul 18, 2006 22:31

I learnt about the Israeli-Palestine crisis tonight...not just the recent bombing of Lebanon by the Israeli, but the whole thing, and...

I have no words to describe how stupid and disgusting I think it all is.

I'm also mildly disturbed that I had no idea about the history of it. At all, and this, all of this has been on the nightly news since I was a little kid sitting in my Nonna's lounge room. And I had no idea.

It's apalling. Why have we all been ignoring this for the last fifty or so years?

And don't say it hasn't been ignored. It quite clearly has if I knew more about the Boer War
than I did about this stuff.

Also, governments are insane. The lot of 'em.

insane governments, politics, the world and all its glory

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