(54) Candy apples and sugar cravings

Nov 20, 2007 16:43

I am a little under the weather which is why I have been putting off writing here and just staying in my room and sleeping. I don't really know what I have except for that I have terrible headaches, a sore throat, creaky limbs, constant drowsiness and it has lasted for two weeks. Perhaps it is just the cold weather. I have also been cutting class which is bad but I have been catching up with my reading and my films which is very, very good. Has anyone ever read the book Sugar Blues by William Dufty ? I hadn't heard of this book until I read a health article in Russh magazine and I am curious as to whether anyone follows a sugarless diet. I love having parma wrapped in cantaloupe (reminds me of the summer) and a glass of milk in the mornings before class so it has been particularly painfully to substitute my beloved breakfast for gluten-free toast, nuts and a glass of water. Meredith brought me back a toffee apple for Hallowe'en which has been sitting impatiently on my desk. I am going home to build a den out of library books and quilted blankets with my sister soon, perhaps I will give it to her then.

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