(52) Oh art is too hard

Oct 06, 2007 22:28

I went to the National Gallery of Scotland and then to the Andy Warhol exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy Building yesterday (Friday) which was nice. I found the Andy Warhol exhibition slightly disappointing, mainly because I had seen most of his work before at various galleries and I guess I was just expecting something more, especially since there was an entrance fee and you couldn't even take photographs, but it wasn't bad or anything like that. I liked the glass case with the polaroids and the screen test films and the room with the fish wallpaper the best. I took one picture without flash in the National Gallery of Scotland before someone came up to me and reminded me that photography was not permitted and then I became too afraid to take anymore after that. I love visiting museums and galleries and all but I wish they wouldn't be so strict about things like that, photography I mean.

So I'm going to see Patrick Wolf in November. I just have to sort out a method of transport which is terribly complicated. The whole journey is going to take me roughly two hours via train and various buses unless I drive which would decrease the journey time by an hour or so but my last driving experience was so incredibly traumatic and stressful (I unintentionally went through a red light and I think I saw someone copying down my license plate so for the last couple of days I have been anxiously waiting to see if I will be fined for it or not) that I really don't want to drive at all. I absolutely detest driving, I really do.
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