...so after a lot of thought and a certain someone complimenting me on my writing skillz (yeaaaah "bob siskel") i have decided to ressurrect this livejournal. Might as well, i'm already sucked into the myspace life so figure go all the way with livejournal...
...so i guess quick update from the last time. I got a job that I was really lucky to get and I am starting my career. Kate and I broke up but maybe i'll go into that later cause i need to be in the mood. I am now back in a band that I love to be in cause a: i'm back playing with my best friend J, b: I love the music we're writing, 3: it's opened a whole new group of friends to me that's just amazing which made me realize that my old friends i used to hang out with...were assholes...so i dumped them all! go me! ...hmmm...Oh....L and I are friends now....feel weird though when I hang out with her. I guess it's cause I still resent what she did to me and our relationship. GRRRR.
...well I have to shower cause it's almost 4pm and I have things to do today with the Wolf. This weekend I think will be chill with just drinking,
OFH stuff. Gotta update the website with the news of our new drummer Tom who rocks the socks off of...stuff...yeaah stuff. I gotta get my ass in gear...you'll get more brain spillage later...