Long time, no post

Apr 19, 2007 17:57

Hello, loyal reader. As you may have noticed, I stepped away from my computer for the past several weeks for really no good reason at all. Nothing really new or exciting going on in my life. And really, there's nothing new and exciting going on right now. So I thought, in my brilliant prowess, I would copy the meme of KnittyKittyCook, just so we could see how fun the game might be.


So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, iPaq etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

OPENING CREDITS: Battle Cry of Freedom, The Civil War Soundtrack

WAKING UP: Union Maid, Old Crow Medicine Show

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: America, Fozzie the Bear, The Muppet Movie Soundtrack

FALLING IN LOVE: Crush, Dave Matthews Band, Before These Crowded Streets

FIGHT SONG: Little Rootie Tootie, Thelonius Monk

BREAKING UP: You'll Accomp'ny Me, Bob Seger

PROM: Just Look at Me, George Strait

LIFE: Monk's Dream, Thelonius Monk (Can I get a do-over on that one? I've listened to that album once and I hate it. His damn piano is out of tune.)

MENTAL BREAKDOWN: Gaia, James Taylor

DRIVING: Flannery's Dream, John Hartford

FLASHBACK: Have You Ever Seen the Rain, Credence Clearwater Revival

WEDDING: The Power and the Glory, NFL Films soundtrack

BIRTH OF CHILD: Don't Ever Take Your Eyes Off the Game, John Hartford

FINAL BATTLE: Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut, Cherry Poppin' Daddies

DEATH SCENE: Hard Fucking, Tenacious D (the comedy spoken word bit)

FUNERAL SONG: Close, but No Cigar, Wierd Al Yankovic

END CREDITS: Killin' Time, Clint Black

Speaking of music, I went to the world's most kick-ass concert last night. Me and the missus went to see Old Crow Medicine Show at Fisher Theater. Amazing doesn't even begin to cover it. Such energy, such passion for their music. The chatter to the crowd was a little more canned than other concerts I've been to, but they weren't there to talk, they were there to play. Clouds of rosin flying from the bow as it sawed. Eyes slammed shut with passion, searching your soul to find the lyric and the melody of pain and loss and drugs and joy and love. A great mix of new songs and old favorites, reliables your grandparents knew by heart. Hoots and hollers and screams. A good number of the younger audience rushed the stage and danced in front, their bodies gyrating as if they had found God and religion and the key to really good sex all at once, their souls abandoned for the moment of pure bluegrass ecstasy. Don't condemn them as hokey until you here them. Listen to Cocaine Habit, Union Maid, James River Blues, and then think on it. Then imagine four semi-fugly guys getting the crowd into an uproar, the energy just radiating out of them, giving it all to the corwd. We chanted for more, and they found the fount to pour it from, but no idea what to sing...they gave us all they had, and then they went to the well and found more. Just simply amazing.

Oh, and the booksale is in the books, thank Gawd. One last thing to do and then I can shake being president forever.

concert, meme, old crow medicine show

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