Sep 01, 2005 16:28
Gas? No.
Missed Vacations? No.
Nothing on Tv because all they talk about is Katrina? No.
These things are so petty. So.... unimportant.
Hundreds, Thousands, of people lost. Lost Lives, Lost Homes, Lost Familes, and all we say is "Why is gas so high?"
The old, the young, the tall, the short, the rich, and the poor, all as one. Some holding tight, others floating. Lives lost.
You look at the tv screen. Someone shooting at a hospital as they attempt to save lives. People stealing and grabbing whatever they can from unattended store, People complaining about the Super Dome, yet for the life they still have, there are 5 more dead.
When did this world become all about complaints even when we need hope the most? What kind of world do we live in where we would rather be stranded than stay in a place that smelled bad? When did comfort take over for compassion?
I pray silently in my head for those lost, and pray that those who did make it, now live life in a new way. I sat alot in front of the TV while I was away watching the News almost non-stop. I shiver thinking that not even a month ago, 4 of my best friends were in New Orleans.. and now there is nothing left. You see how important things are when you think about not having them.
The days and hours pass, a new press confrence, Bush telling us what we want to hear, but not knowing what to do. We work on killing in wars rather than saving what is ours.. our people. 9/11 without the planes. Where are the troops now? What good is 6 truck loads of food if you have 20,000 or more still waiting.
This Hurricane did not play favorites. It hit all of us... miles away I feel the pain of those people. I hope that they are ok, and that if they aren't, they will be. The day will come when the cities are again filled with lights and celebration, and this is nothing more than a bad memory. We can't continue to worry about things we have no control of, but instead do what we can for the things we can control.
I guess that is about it.