Jul 23, 2004 21:42
Things are pretty hectic. Lots of work, lots of fights, and lots of rekindling.
Tracey and Wathawis, I'm still here if you want or need anything. But I could never be your woman.
Melissa Brown, I miss you.
I would have died for that...
"Now you have it."
Four of the sweetest words I've heard in a long time. I love you Jeni.
Died... Shawn Fitzy. It's too weird. It'll hit me sometime. We weren't even friends in High School. I just keep thinking of you and Stickney jumping out from behind a HUGE boulder and ambushing me with water guns. If only Warren hadn't said "WE will see you soon" on the phone, I never would have brought my self defense. Take this you... OH SHIT! That look will last forever.
They say the good die young.
That's why I know we should have fun
'Cause time won't wait for anyone.
When God calls you, you've got to go home.
Mel, I'm sorry it had to happen this way. I love you and I can't wait until you're back in P-dam.
Eman... come to P-dam you pain in the ass.
Jill... I'll see you Wednesday and I'll try to juggle hours for thursday... since i have a court date anyway! :)
Scottie P, I miss and think about you a lot bro. See you soon.
Tink, Bella, Shakira, my one and only Tiani... I am indebted to you forever. I'll find the strength to tell you sometime. Don't make me follow you to Florida. :*O
So let's do a bit of something new. How about the EVangelIcaL POET posts some poetry. I'll throw up a few random poems (ALL 100% mine) when I post for a week or so and I'll be looking for thoughts. Leave them for me.
This first one is the first poem I ever wrote. I did it for Mrs. Dana's 8th grade English class and I heard that it "stunned her" that a Mosier boy could show more talent than a Mosier girl. (Damn small schools) Anyway, she asked for an essay and she got a poem which earned me my first 100 in a LONG time in school. Thanks for telling a kid to practice and keep at it Mrs. Dana. We all loved you and still do, even if your son WAS in MARS ATTACKS. Horrid flick, sorry ma'am.
I just wrote something out to a woman who will never read it. Okay, Here we go.
The Christmas spirit was in the air
and happy thoughts were in the atmosphere.
The boys and girls stood anxiously by the fire
to see for themselves just what would transpire.
Great-Grandpa sat down with a big steaming mug
and everyone gathered around him on the rug.
They waited impatiently with eyes all aglow
to hear what the old man wanted them to know.
He took a long sip and then started his speech
of things that no other man could teach.
He began with "Believe me, this story's no lie.
Years ago I discovered that I knew how to fly."
This drew from everyone there some mixed laughter
that bounced off the walls and rang in the rafters.
The man waited silently for things to get quiet
and said "I don't see why that is such a riot.
I discovered all of this quite a long time ago,
So just listen up, this is stuff you should know!
I lived with your Great-Grandma, and thirteen magic deer
in a cottage way up north, quite a long way from here.
My job was rather boring, I just made lots of toys.
I made dolls for the girls (and some types of boys).
For the guys I made balls so they could play sports.
I made them baseballs, footballs, and many other sorts.
The winters were tough and could not have been colder
and then one day I relized I wasn't getting any older.
So I went outside and what should I discover?
That I, like my deer, had the power to hover.
I decided right then that flying could be fun.
I could do things that no other man had ever done
But I would need to create a vehicle to ride in
so I gathered up tools and prepared for constuction.
My wife made suggestions and I took all her advice
and used it to create a "Super Light Elevating Device".
When we completed the chariot we painted it red.
It needed a name so we all called it "The Sled".
I figured it would be easier (and I might save a buck)
if I delivered the toys by sleigh instead of by truck.
I did this for years without one little mistake
until one year when I was flying, there came an earthquake.
It shook the entire earth, it even shook the air
until out of my sled fell a gigantic teddy bear.
It was followed by other toys which made a great POOF
when they landed on somebodys white snow-covered roof.
I said to myself "forget it, let them keep them all"
so I landed, got the toys, and down the chimney did fall.
I set them by some socks and hurried back into the night
but I said to myself "You know what? That just isn't right.
Why should one house get toys and not all the others?
I could give them all gifts with some help with my brothers!"
Now my brothers are short; they're the same size as kids
but they're large in the heart, so help me they did.
Together we gave out toys to every house on the planet.
(It worked out that way, 'though we sure didn't plan it.)
We decided to do this every year with no real cause
and the next thing I knew, I was known as Santa Clause.
Along with the help from my brothers and my deer
I discovered I could do this every single year.
So I made it my job instead of the toy company
and it made me feel great, though I made no money.
Still, since I had stopped aging, I didn't need the capital
and in giving to the children, I was having quite a ball.
It felt good when I saw the joy on all the young faces
and I really enjoyed going to the world's different places.
So now you all know the story of the man all in red,
who gives gifts while all children sleep sweetly in bed."
"We all know the story" whined an elf with big ears.
"So why must you tell the same one every year?"
It's stupid I know, but it was my first and I was young and... everyone loses their virginity in a bad way. (Save for a handfull of ladies who were goodly enough to give it to me and may infact be reading this.)
Don't be too harsh about this next one because
1) it's a change of pace from the last one and
2) I'm not sure if ANYONE has ever read it before. It gets kept in the ANd1 box. Anyway, This next one is just something I scribbled in a notebook October 13th 2000 for a girl I really didn't know. In physics class, In between talks of love between ANd1 crew members jonathAN, pArNapy, ryAN, and myself, I scribbled this into my notebook. That short period was just life changig. We four boys, erica, Kacey, and Kristal... DD's for life, literally, this is why we do it guys.
My mind starts to race,
I can't seem to concentrate.
I'm just trying to erase
everything that I hate.
Too confused to cry.
Too upset not to scream.
Everything's fucked up
like some drug-induced dream.
And I felt it again just the other day. Fitzy and A.F. Not even really close friends. Just stunning. God's drafting His army.
This last one (for the day) is another one that I don't think anyone has ever read, maybe I sent it to the subject. Anyway, October of my freshman year of college was weird to say the least, and in the midst of listening to all types of rap, I got pissed off one night and decided to try it. I took a good friend, a tape recorder, and a head full of anger to the "Stairway to Nowhere" and let loose a barrage of hatred that I didn't think really capable. Maybe not hate... maybe just spite and anger. Anyway, my friend got it all on tape and I came back to my room and copied it down. It's very raw and it's not really all the good, but considering it was genuinly RIGHT of the top of my head with NO pre-planning (and no post-rap editing) I am happy with it. I kept a semi-solid rhyme scheme and defintily said what i wanted to. It's one of the few poems I have that is dated. So here it what came on October 23rd 2002 from a pissed off white boy in a dark bricked over starway.
Yeah, you'd better take this time
to laugh while you can you bitch
because I know sooner or later
there's going to be a gigantic switch
where you're stuck working nine to five
while I just sit back warm and rich.
See I got beat down and buried
but I still got up out of the ditch.
You may have started out ahead in life
but that just gave me a head start.
While you pretended to be pensive
I'm the one who truly got smart.
I worked with my back to the WALL
as I poured out ALL of my heart.
Now you're going to spew out some shit
on how I'm lucky; I'll just live off my art?
Let me take a second to remind you
that I've worked for every little thing.
I never got handed any silver platter.
I always had to fight, scrap, and swing.
So now you're blowing off my writings
like they didn't come out of my suffering?
You're a jelous, jaded, and petty person
who can't face the fact that what THEY bring
can never equal or top what I made for myself.
I'm not even sorry if it hurts you now to see
that you never helped me when I was down,
so stop acting like you gave me charity.
Now I know that I don't have too much just yet
but still, what I do have all came from me.
You're only claiming that you helped out
in an attempt to mask your own fraility.
As far as I'm concerned the countdown is on.
You can see it get closer each passing day.
Your fortune and luck are starting to dwindle
and I'm finally getting things going my way.
All of my hard work is finally comming through
while your lack of skills still holds you at bay.
You're going to need someone to take care of you
and you'll need good luck getting them to stay
and take care of your poor, pathetic, jobless ass.
Everytime I try to toss it's now a forward pass.
I can still remember you saying I'd never amass
enough loose change to even afford my own gas
as long as I refused to stop being so damn crass.
Well it's time for me to teach a foolish little lass
a little something, so now just quiet down class.
I'll reach for the sky, you sit and watch from the grass.
Let me know...