Please help - fic search!

Jul 11, 2010 16:50

Hello everyone!
It's the first time I post here and I would have liked to start with something else, but well, I've been spending these past few days trying to locate a Hermione-Draco_Blaise fic that I was sure I had bookmarked - but apparently I didn't. I looked back in all the posts here, going back to a couple of years more or less, but I couln't find anything.
So... the story is about Hermione leaving Draco after Blaise's death because she believes he doesn't love her. It was post-Hogwatrs, EWE and an implied threesome. It also starred a meddling Ginny (in a bad way) for some intercepted letters. I can't remember the title, and I cannot find it anywhere, even though I'm quite positive I read it at FFN.
Does anyone remember it? Thanks in advance!

Update: Found it!

It's Unspoken Rules Should Be Broken by Celticsass, at FNN and Granger Enchanted.

bz/hg/dm, dm/hg

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