Title: Reluctant Promises, Chapter 3/?
penny1200 Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Word Count: 8082
Rating: NC-17 (for later chapters)
Warnings: oral sex, graphic sex (again in later chapters)
Summary: As a part of his punishment for his part in the war, Draco was sentenced to a year living as a Muggle in the Muggle world. Harry ropes Hermione into serving as Draco's liaison with the Ministry and guide to the Muggle world. Can she open his eyes to the joys of Muggle living or will she Avada him first? Set post-Hogwarts/post-war.
Author's Notes: Thank you to the people who have reviewed this story so far. I forgot to include this in last chapter's A/N, so I want to include it now. I can't even express how much it means to me that so many readers of my Glee fics followed me into a completely different fandom. Seriously, it just blows my mind, especially for those of you who said that you've never read a Harry Potter fanfic before. Thank you so much! You're all just wonderful! Anyway, the games are really beginning between our leads in this chapter, so hopefully it'll be fun. I planned to get all of this day into one chapter, but it was longer than expected, so the rest of the day will be in the next chapter. This chapter flowed really easily for me and I had fun writing it, so I hope you all enjoy it. Please read and let me know what you think! Thanks!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. The Harry Potter series is owned by J.K. Rowling and I'm not her. Everything else recognizable is owned by their respective companies.
"I just did a little redecorating. Like it?"