Jul 10, 2006 23:49
I can hardly come to Portage without writing an entry in here about it. My aunt and uncle rode up from Florida in their RV and hung out for the weekend. I'd seen their RV before, but in our driveway it looked fucking huge. Dave and I rolled down Friday evening and chilled with the fam for a while, then headed out on the pontoon and did our thing. We were pretty tuckered out so we crashed out early, while watching Temple of Doom. Saturday was more hanging with the fam, waverunners, a visit from a friend I'd not seen since highschool, and a trip back to GR for our friend's birthday kegs. I can't believe I actually ran the beerpong table for once. I mean, I'm pretty good at throwing balls and crazy pro stuff like that, but usually something gets in the way, whether the alcohol or the pressure or the cleavagely distractions. I came straight back to Portage on Sunday after the party to get some more visiting time with Jim and Barb and because I had a dentist appointment Monday. My uncle cooked the most delicious ribs I have ever eaten, Sam's Joint or not. That night after everyone went to bed I made my best effort to get drunk. I find I simply cannot drink enough alcohol to become seriously inebriated. I really love Mount Gay, but I don't know, it just wasn't working. I'm an amateur. I went out on the boat around midnight and cruised around the lake. It was really an amazing, nearly religious experience for me. I've written before about how I love driving home through Grand Rapids at night feeling like I'm the only person out on the roads. Last night I felt like this on the lake. I read some of my book (only 600 pages to go!) and listened to some crappy radio stations that are down here. It was incredible, being out on the open water, being able to see a mile in any direction at ground level. To make things even more beautiful, it was clear overhead, but in any direction I could see a lightning storm. I just laid out, took in nature at its finest, and relaxed. My dentist appointment today went superb. No cavities, and Colleen (my hygeinist) said that for not having been in nearly three years, my teeth were exceptionally healthy. I was even flattered that she remembered me from years ago. She remembered the conversation we had, regarding snotty Schoolcraft people. She even remembered my mom's silly blue Miata that I drove to my last appointment. Not that Miatas are necessarily silly, but my mom's is: it has huge fat racing rims on it, is bright blue, and has these white racing stripes on it. I think Miatas are silliest when fifty-year-old men drive them, or when any man over 200 pounds (including myself) drives them. Oh well, I like it on occasion - I don't get to drive a five-speed every day.
So here I am for the night, wishing I had the stomach to do some serious drinking. I'm not even going to try though; I've been sticking to the coke products. My mom gave me this book called Freakonomics which has nothing to do with economics but is rather interesting. The most interesting idea I've read so far is that the unexplained decrease in crime in our country in the 90s conincided with the legalization of abortion - that is, the drop in crime came about when the first generation of aborts would be hitting the law-breaking age. Hmmmm. The book is coauthored by this famous (racy) economist and this NYTimes writer, but so far it really has absolutely nothing to do with economics despite its claim. Some people claim that because of this fella the horizons of economics have expanded and such, but I don't agree. One of the chapters was about how he figured out how sumo wrestlers were rigging matches, and how teachers in Chicago cheated on standardized tests. Perhaps the man is a brilliant economist, but as far as Freakonomics has shown me, he's merely a brilliant statistician. So far it's an excellent read though.
I wrote in here a short while ago about this friend-girl of mine from highschool and how she's the absolute sweetest person in the world and how'd I'd been there for her through many of her boyfriends and how I was happy that I thought she finally found the one. They even got engaged and moved in together. Well, she just told me that they broke up. It's got to be rough on her, poor girl, but I guess it just puts the rest of your life into perspective. I look forward to hanging out with her tomorrow and hearing what all happened. I also look forward to seeing whatever cute swimsuit she has this year and watching her hair blow as we jet (or inch) across Austin Lake here. I really miss Sara a lot sometimes, maybe more than a friend should =P But hey, I really can't help but love her.
So I've been on this Morrissey kick for the last couple weeks and really can't get enough of him. I had to download limewire on Linda's computer so I could listen to some down here. There's just something about his look, too, a sort of cross between Elvis and Matt Dillon. I remember a couple weeks ago wondering if this fella on my friends list who has excellent taste in music appreciated Morrissey and The Smiths, but I never bothered to try and figure out the answer. So tonight, while being bored enough to be on myspace, I happened upon this gentleman's profile and saw that the entire thing was like a tribute to Morrissey. Nice.
I'm considering a late-night stroll out on the water, but I don't know. I really feel more like barreling ass across Lake Austin at 70mph, but unfortunately there's laws against that at this hour. I suppose I could just do both at sun up.
My hair looks kind of trendy and it's totally by accident. I'm growing my hair out for Halloween this year because I got sick and missed out last year. Right now it's at this length that looks like I want it to be there. Not to say it's not what I could want, but I need Simon LeBon mullet power, you know.
Ok, so maybe this Morrissey profile doesn't belong to the gentleman of which I spoke, but somehow his picture on someone else's friends list links to it. I'm befuddled and am trying to figure it out but can't, at the moment. I will.