Taking completely inappropriate meds can mess up your head!
hughroe, you were right! Turns out I had vertigo, but it was a side effect of
So, I fell a week ago Friday, on asphalt between cars. I threw my arm up to shield my head, which never hit the ground.
When I went to the ER Monday, I told them I'd fallen, but not hit my head. My lot in life is to be considered a "high-maintenance" patient, even though there has always been a good reason for my symptoms and I don't take pain meds. This is at least the third time in five years I've been misdiagnosed, and it's making me paranoid!
Tuesday, I went to the internist (note: not my normal internist). He works me over and tells me I have some non-specific vertigo and gives me meclizine. It doesn't work well, makes me nearly comatose and gives me nightmares.
Finally, yesterday, I go back to the internist, who recommends an MRI and neurology consult. SURPRISE! I have a slight concussion with whiplash. Turns out, when I fell, my head didn't hit the ground, but I hyperextended my neck muscles to control the fall, and my brain sustained a minor contrecoup injury. When my head stopped, my brain didn't, and hit the left side of my skull.
Not hard enough to addle my brains, but enough to make it owwie on the inside. Hence the vertigo, tight band of pain over the top of the head, etc.
Grr. But the muscle relaxers are a godsend, and they work. Finally!!
Other things:
Saw 300 last Friday with the Grrls, had dinner at Buca di Beppo. Wish I could make the good spaghetti with meat sauce they do at Buca, mine just isn't the same. The movie was much with the pretty, mmm-hmmm! There was one thing that made it kinda awesome
When the Queen went buck-wild on Theron and stabbed him in the Council chamber, the audience - about 85% teenage male - erupted in clapping and cheers. That did my heart good! Too many men nowadays seem to think nothing of calling a woman a whore or cunt. No wonder Demi likes Ashton. :)
Also, one of my staff is going to get into big trouble tomorrow, mainly for running his mouth. I'm going to do the not-kosher thing and talk to him tomorrow morning. He needs to know what he did wrong before he's in the middle of a hearing and what he needs to say, and then DO, to keep his job. Stupid boy.
Our PC crashed AGAIN over the weekend. We Honeybunch got it working again, though we lost everything from the last crash. *waves goodbye to latest Shins CD for a while* *kicks incompetent Best Buy guy*
Going back to work kicked my butt today. Not like my boss' day, which was 12 hours pretty much every day I was gone. *guilty* Now I'm super-tired and need me bed. *fwomps*