I'm at a place called VERTIGO

Mar 09, 2007 01:15

So, vertigo. You know that feeling, when you've tied one a few on, and the room starts to spin? So you close your eyes to ward off that queasy feeling, and when you open your eyes again, you're twice as off-balance because everything looks still but your brain is still whirling on its stalk?

Yeah, that. Started Monday. Now making intermittent appearances at inconvenient times.

I have meclizine for it, but damn that stuff is like Dramamine x 1000.

Not sure why - weak eye muscle, crystalline deposits in my endolymphatic fluid - but I wish it would go away already! Maybe I did scramble my brains when I fell last week.

Vertigo is like migraines - people pooh-pooh it until THEY experience it, then OH BOY OH BOY. No work for me this week, which would be nice if I could actually do anything of substance. I'd rather be at work than bored. No, really. :)

Can't be on the PC too much; the glow gives me a terrible headache if I look at it for more than a few minutes at a time. There are only so many hours one can do crossword puzzles (I did an entire book of Wednesday NYT crosswords today, need to buy some Thursday ones) and listen to NPR in a day. I did get to listen to Nate and Rob Corddry on NPR today, which made me happy. Cute and awkward, both of them.

In good news, I've made it past the HR round in several of my job searches...here's hoping that I'll get a call for even one of those...

I hope most of you are having good weeks...and if you're not, let's shoot for a good weekend. :) *gentle hugs*

whinging, health

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