*Incoherent Growling*

Oct 02, 2006 07:45

I watched Evil Dead II last night... It's amazing just how much I feel like hacking my own hand off this morning. More to distract myself from the incopetent PAIN this school brings me each and every day than anything.

See, I had a class scheduled in a room on the new 8th floor. The 8th floor is NOT FINISHED YET.

And it's like high school all over again. "Go to your first class to pick up your official schedule!"

While stuck in traffic, I just had no other option but to scream my bloody lungs out.

God, I feel like watching that movie again. Just on repeat or something. Hell, I'll have a marathon of all three of those when I get home. And then both Kill Bill movies. Anything extraordinarily VIOLENT and I'll feel much better.
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