Haribo Fruit Salad gummies are GOOD if you microwave them. Did anyone else know this? Leaving them on the dashboard of a hot car in the summertime will do the trick too, and might indeed be preferable to the microwave, as I always seem to burn my tongue when employing the latter method. So far I haven't found an optimum time yet - 15 seconds is too long, and they melt. This hot gummy trick seems to work for any sugar-coated gummy (although not Gummy Octopuses - that was a disaster!) - Peachy-Os work too. Not yet tried: Sour Patch Kids.
In other it's-summer-and-I'm-blissfully-bored news, they's picked someone to play the young Mr. Spock in the upcoming Star Trek movie. Introducing.... this guy!
Oh, yeah, fondle those ears.
Harry took me to Aquatek today, because I wanted to get another firefish for Button. He needs a longtime comPanda. They ended up not having any, but we did make a useful discovery, which is that if you arrive at a store during the delivery and unpacking of new (live)stock, you can turn the confusion to your advantage and get a pretty good deal. I ended up getting a 5-pound piece of live rock with the most beautiful mushroom corals on it, all for a mere $40. For some perspective, normal live rock runs about $7-8 dollars a pound, and they were also selling some drab, brown colors shrooms for $60 per cluster. Score! Mine are solid pink, brown with blue spots, and brown with turqoise stripes. It was liked stealing with supervision! They really should have charged us more. My tank is pretty kickin' now (aside from the algae on the back):