State of the QR...

Jan 14, 2016 10:45

chomaisky said she was going to post weekly, so I figured that's not actually a bad idea! LJ needs a little more action anyway, so here. Have a brain dump.

Cut for rambling and sporadic swearing )

cancer, real life yabber, spn, state of the qr, pets, fandom has claimed my soul

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Comments 47

kuwlshadow January 14 2016, 15:53:00 UTC
Sorry to hear about your kitty. Hope your kitty feels better soon. As far as sons and homework, well my son is a junior in high school and he's finally doing his homework after years of refusing to do it. He'd go as far as tear it up in front of the teacher!! Seems like the last couple years he's finally come around but I can feel your pain in this area. Looks like you quite the list of projects. :)


quickreaver January 14 2016, 15:59:34 UTC
Aw, thank you, but I have a creeping feeling the kitty is terminal, or will require more $$ to fix than we have to spend. Sucks, because she's not that old. Like, maybe 8-ish? We shall see. I'll do what I can!

Fingers crossed that your son DOES get it! We would have jags of hope where our eldest would seem to clue in, but then backslide. Over and over. It's tough, but I think we have to let him fail and learn the lesson.

But in closing, huzzah for lots of fandom busyness! Now, if only I had more time to read all the glorious fics churned out. I still haven't caught up with the Xmas exchange!


madebyme_x January 14 2016, 16:31:11 UTC
My brother was a bit like your son in high school; so smart and bright, but just had no motivation for school. But after a few years of working out in the real world he decided to go to college to do a few classes, and then took it further and graduated university. So maybe he just needs to travel his own path for a while ( ... )


quickreaver January 14 2016, 17:34:28 UTC
Thanks for all the up-beatedness! (I'll hit you up for some brainstorming when I get my shizzle together...)


sw0rdy January 14 2016, 16:44:01 UTC
Your modding efforts are greatly appreciated since you mod two of my favourite challenges of the year! I'm with you on the exchange aspect - there will always be genuine reasons why some people drop out, but dropping out because you just can't be bothered or worse - disappearing altogether without any contact - is just rude, in my book.

My first foray into exchanges/ collaborations wasn't a great one: the artist said she was okay to do art, then asked me to ask for an extension, then literally a couple of days before we were due to post, sent me a message saying she was too busy to do art and she would have liked the story better if I'd included X, Y and Z. To say I was pissed off was an understatement because I'd never dream of treating a collaborator like that even if I was struggling to fulfil my end of the bargain. I'm sorry your summergen recipient hasn't responded - I think that's equally bad form and I'm shocked someone who is getting something from one of the best artists in the fandom hasn't been back to comment ( ... )


milly_gal January 14 2016, 16:51:00 UTC

My first foray into exchanges/ collaborations wasn't a great one: the artist said she was okay to do art, then asked me to ask for an extension, then literally a couple of days before we were due to post, sent me a message saying she was too busy to do art and she would have liked the story better if I'd included X, Y and Z.

BAD etiquette! BAD! This is not how exchanges and partners in crime usually work, I promise! I'm so chuffed and proud to be a part of this fandom, to be known for a skill (graphic or sketch) that I give my absolute all to a challenge and especially if it's got a partner or recipient on the end of it! *shakes head* please don't let it colour your view because honestly, I've had one bad experience the entire time I've been running in these circles and usually it's all amazing *hugs* It really BUGS me when people just let others down for no good reason that any one can see!


sw0rdy January 14 2016, 17:31:03 UTC
Rest assured, it didn't put me off and I've had some AMAZING collaborative experiences since then! Like quickreaver said, I just hate it when people seem to forget (or ignore) that there's another person at the end of that fic/piece of art. Not to mention the headache it creates for the mods.


milly_gal January 15 2016, 11:46:35 UTC
I wouldn't want to be an exchange or challenge mod for all the tea in China!


milly_gal January 14 2016, 16:47:24 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty bb, I'm sending all the good and healing vibes!

*brace for swears* FUCK YOU CANCER!

I love 'windy' posts, I'm an essentially nosey human being, windy gives us a little look inside your head! *hugs*

As a general rule, if I have to drag my zombie butt into the chair and create for a challenge I will *do it* because as you say coveted exchange! Last year when I had to pull out of the spn_j2_bigbang I was GUTTED, felt so bad, and cursed the shitty disease arthritis, this year I have a handle on it, and have figured out ways round it, so all the exchanges, because hard work and ficcage deserves art, every single fic! It makes me sound like a complete bitch saying this but if you *KNOW* you suck at actually finishing these things, don't bloody sign on!


quickreaver January 14 2016, 17:46:59 UTC
Or if you've signed on and find yourself unmotivated or stymied by an overly-ambitious attempt ... SCALE IT BACK. A couple Summergens ago, I must've restarted the fic five times, flailing all over the place. I was ready to give up, but I showed it to one of my best buds, and she gave me excellent suggestions that straightened things out and now it's one of my favorite fics. You gotta try.

Bouncing out of the BigBang isn't horrible, honestly! (Especially if you haven't gotten as far as the art claims.) But it sounds like you disappointed yourself, and that's hard too. Maybe harder, even!


milly_gal January 15 2016, 11:46:12 UTC
Scale it back, good advice, lol! I think people get carried away and then realise they're drowning in half finished ficcage!

It just bugged me, I'd had such a fab time the year before and I didn't like letting Wendy down on numbers, ya know!


de_nugis January 14 2016, 16:49:50 UTC
I'm sending good vibes to your kitty.

And I'm very glad you're still running the RBB. I just went back to tapping away at my draft last night -- thank goodness for February posting dates!


quickreaver January 14 2016, 17:47:17 UTC
Hear hear, on both counts!


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