State of the QR...

Jan 14, 2016 10:45

chomaisky said she was going to post weekly, so I figured that's not actually a bad idea! LJ needs a little more action anyway, so here. Have a brain dump.

Cut for rambling and sporadic swearing )

cancer, real life yabber, spn, state of the qr, pets, fandom has claimed my soul

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sw0rdy January 14 2016, 16:44:01 UTC
Your modding efforts are greatly appreciated since you mod two of my favourite challenges of the year! I'm with you on the exchange aspect - there will always be genuine reasons why some people drop out, but dropping out because you just can't be bothered or worse - disappearing altogether without any contact - is just rude, in my book.

My first foray into exchanges/ collaborations wasn't a great one: the artist said she was okay to do art, then asked me to ask for an extension, then literally a couple of days before we were due to post, sent me a message saying she was too busy to do art and she would have liked the story better if I'd included X, Y and Z. To say I was pissed off was an understatement because I'd never dream of treating a collaborator like that even if I was struggling to fulfil my end of the bargain. I'm sorry your summergen recipient hasn't responded - I think that's equally bad form and I'm shocked someone who is getting something from one of the best artists in the fandom hasn't been back to comment.

On that note, I received my print of 'The Flock' and it's utterly gorgeous and the best Christmas present I ever bought myself!

Anyway, hope all goes well at the vets. I also have no answer re: your homework issue. I know if they incorporated homework into Lego Marvel Superheroes on the PS4 it'd get done in our house!


milly_gal January 14 2016, 16:51:00 UTC

My first foray into exchanges/ collaborations wasn't a great one: the artist said she was okay to do art, then asked me to ask for an extension, then literally a couple of days before we were due to post, sent me a message saying she was too busy to do art and she would have liked the story better if I'd included X, Y and Z.

BAD etiquette! BAD! This is not how exchanges and partners in crime usually work, I promise! I'm so chuffed and proud to be a part of this fandom, to be known for a skill (graphic or sketch) that I give my absolute all to a challenge and especially if it's got a partner or recipient on the end of it! *shakes head* please don't let it colour your view because honestly, I've had one bad experience the entire time I've been running in these circles and usually it's all amazing *hugs* It really BUGS me when people just let others down for no good reason that any one can see!


sw0rdy January 14 2016, 17:31:03 UTC
Rest assured, it didn't put me off and I've had some AMAZING collaborative experiences since then! Like quickreaver said, I just hate it when people seem to forget (or ignore) that there's another person at the end of that fic/piece of art. Not to mention the headache it creates for the mods.


milly_gal January 15 2016, 11:46:35 UTC
I wouldn't want to be an exchange or challenge mod for all the tea in China!


quickreaver January 14 2016, 17:38:11 UTC
Egads, was that fated first exchange the RB?? (I don't recall...)

I received my print of 'The Flock' ... WOOT! I'm so glad the print looks good! I ordered some greeting cards from that site and they seemed too dark to me, so it got me worried about the print quality. The t-shirts, I can vouch for and they're pretty derned spiffy. :D

Thanks for the well-wishes! *fingers crossed*


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