Sep 19, 2006 11:56
College is kinda depressing when you have none of your good friends to share it with.
I mean I have my roomate and all these new gay people in my life, but I just fell like I don't quite "fit"
my take on gay is diffrent. Like all of these guys are gay for their youth an don't want t a serious relationship ever.
they want to marry girls when they get older and be "normal"
I mean I am fine with marrying a guy.
I don't get that at all...
if your gay your gay.
what are you going to do marry, not tell her your gay and fuck around with guys???
work I love, I just wish their was a more urban location.
new baltimore sucks ass.
I misss my friends from drama. I see them like once a week still. it's just that like I shut out everyone from college.
I don't know what I want right now. I guess I am not suppose to know. but still.
I have thoughts about leaving everyday. nothing is wrong at college at all..
it's just the idea of college.
I feel like you waste so much time and effort that could be put into more crucial things. like I don't know starving kids in africa, instead of I need this A plus in Psyc.
or all these people with all these problems right in detroit. I came to the city to make a diffrence.
so far I feel like all the time is focused on me. what makes me more important then the people on the streets.
the sad thing is some of these people are really trying to make it.
our ecomony is falling at the seems. The richer get richer... cough Birmingham, rochester, grosse pointe cough
bad cold huh?
and the poorer get poorer.
Detroit, Taylor, Dearborn.
what is wrong with this?
perhaps it leads to formal education yes.
but I mean no one should be so rich that they sit home and have nothing to do...
what makes the birmingham house wife any diffrent then the bum on the street?
they both are doing nothing.
but the one with the money has more respect? why cuz she muches of her husband?
for real.
I don't know how to change the world.
but I do know how to bitch.
maybe that is the start of change.
when you bitch about something long enough, it changes.
e.g. woman rights, civil rights, gay rights.
were all people. stop pretending your better, when your not.
We all have skin, we all have blood, and we all are going to die.
so what is the diffrence?