The Quibbler Report: March 31 - April 5, 2017

Apr 05, 2017 20:06

Vintage Snorkacks (Older Fic of the Day):
gyzym wrote A Small Spark Neglected. Someone’s setting fires in Wizarding London, and Teddy Lupin's going to have to marry a Potter. (Teddy/James + Potter and Malfoy clans, R)

Blibbering Humdingers (Art):
• Yuki-Almasy drew You Will Be Mine (Tom Riddle/Harry, PG)

akatnamedeaster drew (Mostly) Solo Sounding (Snape, NWS: sounding)

mywitch drew Misbehaving Gryffindors (Minerva/Severus, NWS)
• Sophingers drew Hermione Granger (G)
• SlothGod13 drew Harry James Potter (G)

Thestrals (Challenges, Communities, and Discussion):
femmefest notified participants that assignments have been sent.
lucissa posted news and the April prompts.
poetic_hp posted its April prompt: club.
hp-creatures posted its March round-up and April prompts.
darkwitches posted its fest rules and timeline and announced that prompting is now open.
hp-drizzle announced that prompting is now open.
hogwarts365 posted last week's masterlist and this week's prompts.
hp-getlucky posted its Week 3 Round-up.
hp-crossgenfest posted its promo banners.
hp-shoreofangst has a mod post about Dreamwidth.
hp-drizzle has a mod post about Dreamwidth.
severus_snape has a mod post about Dreamwidth.
death-eaters is looking for a new mod.
hp-het is looking for a new mod.
lusciousmalfoy is looking for a new mod.
hp-humpdrabbles posted the Humpfest 2017 masterlist & next week's prompts.
hp-3somes opened a check-in post for participants.

daily_deviant is celebrating its 11th birthday with the Bad Porn Alphabet.
lokifan posted Why Cursed Child Isn't Queerbaiting, Part 1 (Cursed Child spoilers)
hp-coffeehouse is a new community for coffee house settings in fic and art. Its April prompt is: dark roast.
• Today's featured community is hp-unfaithful, where the April theme is ''half my age''!

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