The Quibbler Report -- 23-30 March 2017

Mar 30, 2017 22:43

Crumple-Horned Snorkacks (Fic):
Candamira wrote Runway. After the dark days of the war, Harry's reflected splendour is not enough for Ron. Seeking fame and limelight for himself, he starts a modelling career. It takes Malfoy to make him understand that it's easier to find happiness when you're not blinded by a spotlight. (Ron/Draco; NC-17)
alisanne wrote Slytherin Butterbeer. no summary. (Neville/Draco; R)

Blibbering Humdingers (Art):
• makota drew Sybilla Trelawney (G) and Albus Dumbledore (G)
• Meeko-Mar drew Brightest Witch of Her Age (Hermione; G)
• Skarlessa drew Mirrors of Desire (Andromeda/Ted; Lucius/Narcissa; Bellatrix/Voldemort, Draco; G)
• Feiolin drew Minerva McGonagall (Character/Pairing, Rating)
mywitch drew Misbehaving Gryffindors (Minerva/Severus; NWS)

Thestrals (Challenges, Communities, and Discussion):
hp_drizzle posted 2017 fest info.
hp_getlucky posted Week 2 Round-Up.
hogwarts365 posted Prompt 184 masterlist and Prompt 185.

daily_deviant posted the Birthday Card Kink first-week round-up.
hp_darkarts posted a reminder that submissions are due April 3.
hp_shoreofangst has a fest participant check-in post.

• Today's featured community is decafest -- This comm is devoted to works about the tenth anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. The mods are gauging interest in a revival. Check it out!

If you have a link for us, feel free to e-mail us at or leave a comment to this post.
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