(no subject)

Dec 21, 2003 14:49

hOT ON The trail of something Hot.

This constant OrGANizAtion of notes is Most boTHeRsome as i have a System! A SYSTEM YOU HEAR! And the whOLe castle haS gone quiet and I'M wondEring wHErE everyone is. SuSpIcIoUs? MAYbe! but no TIME for that! NO time FOR THAT.

several leads are leading to the very hEArt of this place. To that organ that pUmPs the blood, you see. It is vital and I have Been taKeN therE By my KeEN mEan obserVaTionAl MaChiNE skIllS. You get wHat i AM saYING, yeH?

NittyGritty truth time. No ONE said thaT the TRuTH is ClEAn. Just HOpe it wAshEs out of my RoBes.
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