(no subject)

Nov 09, 2003 16:29

anD they have gone missing aGAIN! IF this does not stop soon then tHERE wiLl be a HoGWARts Inquisition and you will NoT liKE tHE results!!!!!1

If the notes are found then I will let you tap into my ENDLEss knowledge on the gurantan shrimp, who happens to be the SUSPECT, but not the only SUSpect. OH NO! Morepod Poremod - that fellow with That name is the OTHer suspect. Burlap sack might be necessary in capture of culprit. They are both QUICKer than ME, and oh ho!, that is QUICK. Bring me all information and you might be quoTED here. AnonymiTY is allowed, though why anyone would not want to be mentioned in this FINE source of everything respectable is beyond me!

In other news, It is said that Lionel is currently struggling with his assignment on werewolves for History of Magic. All I can recollect is that they once lived on the moon before gracing us with their gentle presence. PrOfEsSoR bInNs WiLl NoT lIkE tHiS oNe BiT aT aLl, No WaY nO hOw.
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