31 октября: celebrating the dead

Oct 31, 2013 17:24

Хэллоуин - канун всех святых, праздник памяти о тех, кто умер ( Read more... )

memorabilia, стихи к случаю

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liswind November 1 2013, 09:30:04 UTC
Моя любимая цитата из Желязны связанная с днем всех святых все таки:
Я - сторожевой пес. Меня зовут Нюх. Сейчас я живу со своим хозяином
Джеком неподалеку от Лондона.. Джеку нужно много ингредиентов для работы, потому что скоро предстоит
большое дело. Наверно, лучше всего рассказать о событиях день за днем


queyntefantasye November 2 2013, 16:45:02 UTC
С кануном все же, если не ошибаюсь.

А почему это - любимая цитата? что в ней интересного?
у Желязны ведь так много красивого.


liswind November 2 2013, 19:44:30 UTC
Связанная с днем всех святых.

А какие твои любимые цитаты от Желязны?


queyntefantasye November 2 2013, 20:02:40 UTC
День всех святых (all hallows' day) - первого ноября. Развязка романа происходит в ночь с тридцать первого октября на первое ноября - в канун всех святых (all hallows' eve). Он и называется "A Night in the Lonesome October," как ты знаешь.

Ну, например.
"'I remember the first time that I saw Purgatory, Linda,' I told her. 'I looked at it and I was sick. I wondered, where did it lead...?'
Let there be.
This once to end with.


liswind November 4 2013, 22:27:42 UTC
Which book is that from?? Love it.


queyntefantasye November 4 2013, 23:14:18 UTC
It's from the short story "This Mortal Mountain."

"You're a madman!" he announced.
"No," I replied. "The absence of a monument can, in its own way, be something of a monument also."
"A monument to Conrad Nomikos," he stated.
"No," said Red Wig then. "There is destructive art as surely as there is creative art. I think he may be attempting such a thing. He is playing Caligula. Perhaps I can even see why."


queyntefantasye November 4 2013, 23:22:11 UTC
Or ( ... )


liswind November 5 2013, 04:15:35 UTC
I really need to get my hands on Zhelazny.
My all favorite is "Lord of Light" full of fiery language and blazing metaphors. However, I never read anything of his that would compare.

But clearly you are tapping into a side of his I am not that familiar with. Wanna, wanna, wanna.


queyntefantasye November 5 2013, 04:45:23 UTC
Sure, Lord of Light is great, although a bit too elaborate for my taste in spots. My last two quotations were from 'This immortal' and 'A rose for Ecclesiastes.'
You might also like 'Creatures of light and darkness.' And 'Jack of shadows,' maybe.


liswind November 5 2013, 04:48:03 UTC
I did not like either. Never read the two former books though. Thank you for a reference.

I did like his "October", and "Doors into Sand", and really liked "Creator of Dreams". But my ultimate favorite is Lord of Light, yes. I've re-read it more than 50 times.


queyntefantasye November 5 2013, 12:57:13 UTC
Do you mean The Dream Master, perhaps?
Ты их что, по-русски читал?

Yes, "The Creatures of Darkness and Light" is quite experimental. :)


liswind November 6 2013, 20:41:41 UTC


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