today was a good day for splashing in mud puddles...right up until we slipped in the mud and fell on our tiny butts...but you hafta learn somehow, right?
This morning, Judy announced "I am Strong Girl!" and demonstrated her might by lifting a roll of butcher paper over her head. It was easily three whole pounds.
Yesterday evening I had to take Miss JudyPants out to get some more crayons (since all her previous crayons had been either used up, eaten by the dog, or left to melt in the sun), wherupon we found bucket-and-shovel sets for $1, so we had to get an orange one, and then we had to decorate said bucket with said crayons, and wear it as a hat.
Our kid does not need any large piece of plastic that does only one thing (e.g., the big plastic cake station that makes little cakes and cupcakes. See exhibit A.)