Jan 25, 2005 22:29
This post will have a split personality, much like the author! ;-)
Section I.
Today, I was speaking with someone who I usually try to not talk to. Every time I do, he insults me based on my morals, values and anything about me he can think of (because he's so much better than I am, obviously!). So, he was semi-involved in a conversation I was having with a friend about "Diversity Week." I was never a fan of the signs that said "What's it like to be ____ at JHS?" They just seemed to point out differences instead of embracing them. So I was just reminicing about those when my aquaintance chimes in with "hehe, yeah... what's it like to be [forgive me for omitting the word. it starts with an R and, literally, means to be delayed - usually, in our society, mentally. it is also now a vernacular term used to say something is stupid.] at JHS?! haha." Now, I am not a fan of this word in the least. It is derogatory and cruel. Do most people in our day-in-age say the N word? No. Some do, but for the most part, people don't. The R word to which I refer is, to me, my family, and many of my friends, just as the N word would be to many people in our society. So, I VERY (I emphasize this for reasons that will become clear momentarily) calmly said, "hey... don't use that word..." He responded by saying (and I'll get this as close to verbatim as I can), "There's lots of things people say that offend me and I don't flip MY lid about it!" I, again VERY calmly said, "[name deleted], did I flip my lid?" him: "no." me: "Then I'd appreciate it if you respect my request that you not use that word to me." He turned around like 6-year-old who didn't get his way, pouting that I was able to talk him down. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it just frusterated the hell out of me that someone would be so arrogant to think that I don't have a right to say what I feel. So that's my two cents for the day to all of you who may be arrogant, self-centered, and/or mean. Though, I don't believe I know of anyone who reads this who fits any of those critereon.
Section II.
Rehearsal tonight was the best release for me I've gotten in months. Dancing has been great and exhausting. I slept like a baby last night. However, our jumping and rolling and falling and what-not tonight released those fight-or-flight endorphins that come out when you face the enemy and just give you such a rush! I felt so great afterwards. I almost put on a CD, but I decided to listen to whatever was on the radio. I don't remember what the songs were, but I noticed a tree under a street lamp that was illuminated beautifully. The way that it glowed in an eliptical shape and came out towards me but stayed almost 2-d regardless was amazing and beautiful. From that moment on, I tried to look at the world as if I'd never seen it before. That was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I'm usually the type of person who wants to get away from cars and stores and roads and find a tree to admire. Tonight, though, I saw the lights as stars and the glistening cars as independent creatures. It was amazing and beautiful. It wasn't easy to keep that, but seeing what I live in with the eyes of as much a stranger as I could muster was so beautiful and glorious....