1. Who are you? (all) ebeneezer scrooge. 2. Who are you, really? (all) still trying to figure that out. 3. If you were a fruit or vegetable, what fruit or vegetable would you be? (all) i would be... a nice kiwi. kinda weird, but good. 4. What is your idea of a good time? (all) um... drinking, writing, laughing, reading, music, music, music and lots of great gigs... 5. You're at a party, striking out with the opposite sex. I walk in with your ex on my arm. What do you do? (all) give you malicious looks and flirt with every man there. 6. If you could take only one book with you to prison, what book would it be? (all) whoo - that's tough. 1984? maybe. 7. What is your least favorite body part? Your most favorite body part? Why? (all) every woman hates thier butt, right? so it's either that or my thighs. i have a haematoma right now so i currently have 3 thighs. 8. How old are you? Have you ever watched Match Game PM? (all) i am 24 and no i havent. 9. Have you written any novels, poetry, etc. outside fod? Can I see what you wrote? (all) it isn't online. 10. Describe yourself physically. Remember, it's unlikely I'll be able to verify your description. (all) tall, fatter than usual, browner than usual. 11. If you could bring only two hair products with you to prison, what would they be? (all) new straighteners and a leave-in conditioner with sunscreen...being held by a hairdresser. 12. Beverage of choice? (all) diet coke. or coffee. 13. Walgreens or Rite-Aid? Why? (all) wha? 14. Most embarrassing memory: (all) where would you like me to start? 15. If you were a city, what city would you be? (all) perth. isolated. very laid back. behind the times. but clean. :) 16. Would you like any sauce with that? Hot, mild, or fire? (all) HOT HOT HOT. fire. habanero peppers. bring it on.
1. Do you work? What do you do? (all) right now i am disabled. 2. Have you ever made a life changing decision on a whim? Quit a job, left a partner, moved to a different city? (all) yeah. it didnt go well. 3. Do you find "bathroom humor" offensive or funny? Poo, farts, etc? (all) heheheheh - you said "poo". *eye roll* 4. What is ideal room temperature for you? (all) 70 degrees. 5. What are you reading right now? (all) this survey. and something on sociology. i am so bored it ain't true. 6. Name 5 CDs/albums/tapes you have listened to in the past week, please. (all) white stripes, depeche mode, nika costa, manics, audioslave. 7. Do you read the paper, watch the news on TV or both? (all) i read the paper. 8. What type of television shows do you enjoy the most? (all) the simpsons. it's in a class of its own. 9. Do you enjoy working with numbers or letters more? (all) letters. 10. What do you like on your pizza? (all) no cheese. 11. Name the best city you've ever visited. (all) um... 12. Tell me something interesting about yourself. (all) i cannot set the video recorder. 13. Tell me where I can find you. (all) look up feather_boa at free open diary. ...acutally, don't. you really dont want to. 14. Are you going to watch "Big Brother" this summer? (all) no. 15. What do you do when you reach that breaking point and you can't take anymore? (all) 'run AWAYYYYYY!' 16. What's your favorite side dish? (all) salad. 17. Do you have a good recipe to share with me? (all) yes but it takes too long to write. 18. What do you think of CD copying online? Music swapping, etc. (all) i'm all for it. especially if you are willing to burn some for me? purlease? 19. Do you enjoy writing in your diary or has it become a chore? (all) chore. it hurts right now. it wasn't always like this. 20. What TV shows from the 70s and 80s do you miss? (all) pass. 21. What makes you feel nostalgic? (all) bagpuss, thundercats and the film labyrinth 22. How do you express anger? (all) 'run awaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!' 23. Do you get all heebie over germs? (all) not really. 24. What do you think of all-you-can-eat buffets? (all) blech. 25. Last one. Did you enjoy this? Do you like answering questions about yourself? I do! (all) i'm bored. somoene help me.
this is about today. because, a s you may have guessed, i am more than a littel bored. someone take the keyboard away please.
i do have good news, though. for the past few weeks there has been a definite change in my physical capabilities. my balance has been about a thousand percent better, and i no longer have to use my cane/crutches most of the time. i still use it outside of the house quite a bit because i'm paranoid about falling, but i seem to be pretty steady these days. it's nice. although a lot of the numbess is still here. that is less good. i have several photo albums in a cabinet under the television, and today this kid my mum works for pulled one out and started riffling through it. he walked up to me and mum with a picture and said, "hey rhea (he can't say mum's full name), who is this ugly girl?" god, i wish i had a scanner. the picture he held is nothing short of hilarious. it was a school picture. i was about eight - pre-braces. i had bad hair, a bad mad navy mohair sweater, and a bad hurt expression on my face. my unfettered teeth were sticking out in all directions like they were trying to escape from my mouth. "j., that's (points to me)." he says to me "that's not you!" "it is." "it is not!" "i swear, it is. i was eight." "wow. oh, WOW." "thanks." i was coyote ugly as an 8 yr old child. i was all legs and bony arms and big forehead and tangly hair (didn't help that i had a fear of brushing it). my teeth were impossible to miss. j. ran back to the album, pulled out another picture, one my mum likes of me caught unawares last year, and came back to compare the two. "this is you." "yes." "and that's you, too." "yep." "really?" "i swear." "wow." "that one was before i got my teeth fixed." he looked up at me with a sympathetic smile. "i'm glad you got your teeth fixed. you sure were weird." "yes, i was." "but you're pretty now." "thanks." "at least your sweater was nice." "sure." there's nothing like an honest opinion. please, borrow j.
1. Who are you? (all)
ebeneezer scrooge.
2. Who are you, really? (all)
still trying to figure that out.
3. If you were a fruit or vegetable, what fruit or vegetable would you be? (all)
i would be... a nice kiwi. kinda weird, but good.
4. What is your idea of a good time? (all)
um... drinking, writing, laughing, reading, music, music, music and lots of great gigs...
5. You're at a party, striking out with the opposite sex. I walk in with your ex on my arm. What do you do? (all)
give you malicious looks and flirt with every man there.
6. If you could take only one book with you to prison, what book would it be? (all)
whoo - that's tough. 1984? maybe.
7. What is your least favorite body part? Your most favorite body part? Why? (all)
every woman hates thier butt, right? so it's either that or my thighs. i have a haematoma right now so i currently have 3 thighs.
8. How old are you? Have you ever watched Match Game PM? (all)
i am 24 and no i havent.
9. Have you written any novels, poetry, etc. outside fod? Can I see what you wrote? (all)
it isn't online.
10. Describe yourself physically. Remember, it's unlikely I'll be able to verify your description. (all)
tall, fatter than usual, browner than usual.
11. If you could bring only two hair products with you to prison, what would they be? (all)
new straighteners and a leave-in conditioner with sunscreen...being held by a hairdresser.
12. Beverage of choice? (all)
diet coke. or coffee.
13. Walgreens or Rite-Aid? Why? (all)
14. Most embarrassing memory: (all)
where would you like me to start?
15. If you were a city, what city would you be? (all)
perth. isolated. very laid back. behind the times. but clean. :)
16. Would you like any sauce with that? Hot, mild, or fire? (all)
HOT HOT HOT. fire. habanero peppers. bring it on.
1. Do you work? What do you do? (all)
right now i am disabled.
2. Have you ever made a life changing decision on a whim? Quit a job, left a partner, moved to a different city? (all)
yeah. it didnt go well.
3. Do you find "bathroom humor" offensive or funny? Poo, farts, etc? (all)
heheheheh - you said "poo". *eye roll*
4. What is ideal room temperature for you? (all)
70 degrees.
5. What are you reading right now? (all)
this survey. and something on sociology. i am so bored it ain't true.
6. Name 5 CDs/albums/tapes you have listened to in the past week, please. (all)
white stripes, depeche mode, nika costa, manics, audioslave.
7. Do you read the paper, watch the news on TV or both? (all)
i read the paper.
8. What type of television shows do you enjoy the most? (all)
the simpsons. it's in a class of its own.
9. Do you enjoy working with numbers or letters more? (all)
10. What do you like on your pizza? (all)
no cheese.
11. Name the best city you've ever visited. (all)
12. Tell me something interesting about yourself. (all)
i cannot set the video recorder.
13. Tell me where I can find you. (all)
look up feather_boa at free open diary. ...acutally, don't. you really dont want to.
14. Are you going to watch "Big Brother" this summer? (all)
15. What do you do when you reach that breaking point and you can't take anymore? (all)
16. What's your favorite side dish? (all)
17. Do you have a good recipe to share with me? (all)
yes but it takes too long to write.
18. What do you think of CD copying online? Music swapping, etc. (all)
i'm all for it. especially if you are willing to burn some for me? purlease?
19. Do you enjoy writing in your diary or has it become a chore? (all)
chore. it hurts right now. it wasn't always like this.
20. What TV shows from the 70s and 80s do you miss? (all)
21. What makes you feel nostalgic? (all)
bagpuss, thundercats and the film labyrinth
22. How do you express anger? (all)
'run awaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!'
23. Do you get all heebie over germs? (all)
not really.
24. What do you think of all-you-can-eat buffets? (all)
25. Last one. Did you enjoy this? Do you like answering questions about yourself? I do! (all)
i'm bored. somoene help me.
i do have good news, though. for the past few weeks there has been a definite change in my physical capabilities. my balance has been about a thousand percent better, and i no longer have to use my cane/crutches most of the time. i still use it outside of the house quite a bit because i'm paranoid about falling, but i seem to be pretty steady these days. it's nice. although a lot of the numbess is still here. that is less good.
i have several photo albums in a cabinet under the television, and today this kid my mum works for pulled one out and started riffling through it.
he walked up to me and mum with a picture and said, "hey rhea (he can't say mum's full name), who is this ugly girl?"
god, i wish i had a scanner. the picture he held is nothing short of hilarious.
it was a school picture. i was about eight - pre-braces. i had bad hair, a bad mad navy mohair sweater, and a bad hurt expression on my face. my unfettered teeth were sticking out in all directions like they were trying to escape from my mouth.
"j., that's (points to me)."
he says to me "that's not you!"
"it is."
"it is not!"
"i swear, it is. i was eight."
"wow. oh, WOW."
i was coyote ugly as an 8 yr old child. i was all legs and bony arms and big forehead and tangly hair (didn't help that i had a fear of brushing it). my teeth were impossible to miss.
j. ran back to the album, pulled out another picture, one my mum likes of me caught unawares last year, and came back to compare the two.
"this is you."
"and that's you, too."
"i swear."
"that one was before i got my teeth fixed."
he looked up at me with a sympathetic smile.
"i'm glad you got your teeth fixed. you sure were weird."
"yes, i was."
"but you're pretty now."
"at least your sweater was nice."
there's nothing like an honest opinion. please, borrow j.
I don't hate myself now but I don't really like the way I photo mostly...
but hey at least he said you're pretty now isn't that sweet cos you are honey.
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Incidently if you'd let us visit we could help you stop being bored...hint hint...
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