Jun 02, 2006 22:34
Basically I'm avoiding emailing / IMing / txting dateboy because I'm a bit terrified it's always going to be me starting our conversations and I don't mind doing most of the talking in these conversations provided I don't have to start them too. At leat not all the time. The trouble is I would quite like to talk to him again.
So now I'm writing him bad poetry
If I start every conversation
Even if you finish it
What's the point in conversing
you'll never contradict
doesn't matter if we get on
if you never answer
how can I respond
silence aint golden
if nothing's been said before
I can't know what you're thinking
hardly want to any more
If 1+1=
Equal on both sides
Why am I waiting here?
Not sure about it is passable. May have to work on it some more. Writing poetry itself is up news tho.
Just want a conversation not a monologue. Is that too much to ask for?
Anyhoo incidentally in our last conversation which I am pathetically revisiting. He did say he thought I was great. Which is kinda cute.
Work today was a haze of burned out people fed up with endless hordes of half term types pouring through our doors. There were, I think, somewhat less than in previous days, but I thank my lucky stars I'm not going to be in tommorow when the "holy crap my son/daughter/squid's school project is due on Monday and we haven't got any books" payload hits critical mass. NOT going to be pretty. Really really not.
A bunch of kids were chucked out of the library today. Sorry STUDENTS. altho I think that is a rich term for a group of kids who've come in most days this week and have singularly failed to do any studying on the first floor and have made a lot of noise generated a lot of complaints from other customers, and then proceeded to swear at a member of staff to F*** off. It would be bad enough generally but they chose one of the nicer members of staff who probably doesn't raise her hackles at the sight of teens automatically. I was also impressed by the duty officer who is reader development/fiction librarian and the way she handled their removal. SHE doesn't like teens but it was not provable or unprovable by her manner which was calm and polite and FIRM. Excellent.
It's been odd thus far I swear people didn't used to come in such hordes and decide to stay and sit on the floor in previous summers.
It's full circle time in home and away soap land. The gambling addiction and the cult thing. The one (gambling) is just irritating, but the other (cult thing) is kinda amusing. Religion so rarely intrudes on soapland, barring the odd sudden decision of the local rake to become a priest and then cave at the first flutter of 6" heels and miniskirt, or someone to become involved in the church only for the priest/minister to turn out to be evil and untrustworthy in some fashion, or for weddings/funerals/christenings. Am a bit baffled how Morag can describe Tasha as an intelligent young girl. She seems the most empty headed idiot and most annoying character ever. Martha I like. Also Jack. Now there's a pile of yum I don't mind taking a bite out of. After I get a hold of Dr Tennant Who. Sigh.
So that's my day rilly.
Ni ni...
dr who,