(no subject)

Jul 25, 2003 15:48

Oy. I wrote this and realized that it's my first ever FPS, not suitable for posting in Lotrips100.

Yes, cruisedirector, feel free to laugh your arse off at me.


The long road home

A wizard bids his ancient friend adieu
The first to greet, and last to see him go.
"I pledge I'll keep my eye on Frodo for you --
I'll miss you more than you will ever know."
The aging Hobbit walks from his abode
And glances up to see the wizard's face
"We'll meet again, no matter how the road
Meanders, friend, or runs a separate trace."
"How do you know? Are Hobbits gifted too
with Valar's knowledge of the days to come?"
"I only know that I would come to rue
My days without you, walking in the sun."
"And for the long road's end my heartbeat yearns."
And long they held their gaze ere Bilbo turns.
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