(no subject)

Jul 24, 2003 14:10

Need beta readers, input and ideas!

Below is the first bit of a Regency-era AU.

It begins when Viggo meets Sean at John's inn, The Sign of the Prancing Dwarf. It will eventually go on to include the whole fellowship.

The plot so far: Sean's a pirate, Viggo's a member of His Majesty's navy. It's roughly 1790(?), during the wars with France. Sean's crew has been captured by the French and impressed into service. He asks Viggo for aid in rescuing them.

Members of Sean's pirate crew include Billy and Dominic. Orlando and Elijah are lords who buy positions on to Viggo's crew as officers. John's the proprietor of Viggo's favorite inn at Brighton, Ian's a strange old smuggler that helps them along the way. Sean Astin is an emissary from the King.

At any rate, here's the first wee bit.


Captain Mortensen had been at sea for longer than he cared to recall. Brine was encrusted in his hair (tied back in a sailor's knot), on the edges of his Tricorn, on his breeches and in the knees of his tights. Viggo would have never expected to admit it, but he yearned for a bath more than he yearned for a maiden.

As soon as the Brego found dock at Brighton, Viggo's first steps took him straight to the Sign of the Prancing Dwarf - John Rhys Davies, Proprietor. Therein, he divested himself of a few coins for a room and a hipbath, and was about to ascend the stairs when he heard his name.

"Captain Mortensen, I presume."

The drawl sounded strange to Viggo's ears. He turned, and laid eyes upon the deadliest pirate in the Atlantic.

The man was gorgeous.


Sean stared up at the captain, his heartbeat sounding loudly in his ears. Mortensen looked exhausted, and rightly so - the strain of the wars with France were taking toll on all the people of England, and its maritime warriors not the least.

Mortensen looked wary, not at all impressed, but perhaps a little bit friendly.

Sean bowed.

"My name is Bean, Captain. I desire to have a word with you."

"I know your name well, Mr. Bean, and your reputation. What would you ask of me?" Mortensen's voice was somewhat brusque, but Sean sensed that curiosity had been piqued.

"I wish to speak it to you privately, sir."

"Follow me to my rooms, Mr. Bean. As you can well imagine, I seek respite from my recent journeys. I trust that you will not be offended if I bathe whilst we talk."

"I understand." Sean felt a cautious spark of hope in his heart. Perhaps there was yet a chance for his crew to be saved.


Viggo sat naked in the hipbath and sighed as steaming water was poured over his shoulders by one of the innkeep's men.

"Well," he said finally to the man who stood silently before him with averted eyes. "I thank you for your patience. You are courteous, at least."

The pirate smiled slightly. "In town, I try to maintain at least some of the trappings of civilization. At sea, we have other rules."

Viggo laughed. "You are honest as well. Pray let this honesty continue - how may one such as I aid you?"

"Captain, only one such as you can aid me. I stand before you now because of an act of divine will -- I should not have survived to tell this tale."

"A storm at sea? Or perhaps a merchant ship took retribution upon your attempts to relieve her of gold?"

"None of those things. We were beset by Napoleon's men, and my crew was taken captive. Me they shot and left for dead upon my empty vessel, and my crew is impressed to sail for France. I beg your aid as a man of England, Captain! Help me to free my crew."

Viggo laughed. "So I am to take on the French single-handed in order to free pirates? And for nothing in return but the satisfaction of doing my duty as an Englishman?"

Bean colored slightly, and bowed. "As you say."

Viggo stared at him for a long moment. The man was brave as well as beautiful, and stared back unflinching. Viggo sighed.

"We shall discuss it further over a meal."

"Thank you!"
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