Oct 12, 2004 00:43
COMING OUT DAY!!! Awesome as always. I walked out of the closet again, did I really need to? Caroline came out as an ally it was so sweet. Just got back from a really nice candlelight vigil in which I read some poetry I wrote and heard alot of coming out stories and ally support. I learned some things about people that I didn't know. Took Patrick with me, really getting used to this slow thing. Just friends, no nudging.
Well I had a test today that didn't go real well but besides that my other classes were good. My tap teacher keeps saying I'm not doing things right and then redoes them exactly the way I did them so that isn't cool. I told Sharnice that if he was my father I'd deny it. I kept seeing her all over campus which was funny.
Had lunch with a bunch of the lesbians that were at the coming out door. They were fun and I got to ask alot of questions that have been plaquing me about their sex lives. Real eye opener. Really got to talk to a girl named Morgan. She is really cool and kinda sexy. I dubbed her "friend" Courtney, Kurt, and dubbed my phone, Kurt's Pussy. Kurt's Pussy is full of people.
Not much else to report. Made an apt. with a doctor for my ADHD. Need to get those meds. Tildy is good, has a great bed going and seems to be enjoying both her food and her Greenie. She doesn't poop so much out the cage and seems to like crawling on me, progress is good. Started the first part of the clean sweep for my home. Gonna minimilize and make it spic and span. I wanna fit Jay's bunny cage in here. Movie night tomorrow, and a possible hangout with Patrick, we'll see. Oh and I kissed my sorta ex Eric today it was weird yet nice yet funny yet calming. Night.