FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 13, 2004 Contact: Rachel Crandall, MSW
TransGender Michigan Plans Educational Expansions
(Michigan) TransGender Michigan received notification this week that it will receive a $5,000 grant from the Arcus Gay and Lesbian Fund to enhance its endeavors to educate about transgender identity. TransGender Michigan will utilize this funding to expand their existing educational services through the wider promotion of their Speakers Bureau, recruitment and training of additional Speakers Bureau volunteers, the drafting of additional educational brochures on numerous topics, development of specialized presentations, and professional publishing of their educational brochures.
The goal of this project is to increase social justice, equality and understanding of transgender individuals and significant others, family, friends, and allies (SOFFAs). States Carrie Tune-Copeland, Secretary and SOFFA Coordinator, “This expansion will heighten tolerance and understanding of transgender individuals and identities, increase opportunities for Michiganders to safely express their genders in ways that make sense for them, and enhance existing diversity education opportunities.”
Adds CJ Tune-Copeland, Speakers Bureau Coordinator, “We’re very grateful that the Arcus Gay and Lesbian Fund chose to fund this project. Requests for Speakers Bureau engagements are increasing and the generosity of the Arcus Foundation will allow us to provide this quality, in-demand service.”
With this funding secured, TransGender Michigan encourages transgender individuals and significant others, family members, friends, and allies (SOFFAs) from across Michigan to join their expanding Speakers Bureau program. Those wishing to become more involved should send a letter of interest that outlines their experience to TransGender Michigan at PO Box 224, Swartz Creek, MI 48473 or Trainings for selected Speakers Bureau volunteers are estimated to take place between March and May 2005 in three distinct locations throughout Michigan.