Feb 05, 2005 22:22
and hello meals at the dining hall again! i never thought i'd crave eating at the dining hall this much, but it's not like the food is actually good. i just crave the convenience it brings. it has blown dead bears not only having to pay for all almost all my food this winter term, but also having to cook it myself. NOTE TO ALL YOU POTENTIAL HUSBANDS OUT THERE! i cannot cook worth shit. i will clean the hell out of those dishes. i will do all them loads of laundry. i will be that PTA dad, but please please i don't want to have to survive on Lean Cuisine and Michelina's for the rest of my life.
so winter term was all right. i definitely didn't get everything done on my magic to-do list, but i did get a whole lot done. i'm getting to add some theatre into my Oberlin career, which i totally didn't expect. i've been rehearsing for Westside Story all month, and all you Oberlin folk BEST come see me!! This Thurs. the 10th through Sunday, the 13th, 8 PM and then 2 PM on Sun. even though i have absolutely NO lines, you can still see me shake my groove thang. so yeah that combined with working at Career Services; going to Washington, DC for the American Collegians for Life Conference, annual PLAGAL member and board meeting, and March for Life (and also making out with a random dude and doing some other dirrty work, which i'm not at liberty to talk about, while there...;) );working out at the gym, getting a 2nd job at CVS and working there, and working on applying for jobs after graduation, has made for one BUSY-ASS winter term. and it's only going to get busier once classes start on Monday.
so pleasssseee, y'all, don't get mad at me, if it takes me a while to email you back or call you back or if i never get in contact with you at all, or if it takes me another long while to update this thang. just say a little prayer, if you believe in a Higher Power, that i survive this final semester of my undergraduate career, and know that i love you all!