New Year's

Jan 02, 2005 21:17

I had a fun New Year's Eve. i'm so amazed how well it worked out. i had been invited to my high school friend Liz's party right when i got home, when i visited her at UGA so i definitely had that option. i also heard about the grand opening of new stuff at Underground in downtown Atlanta. they are trying to "revitalize" the area, i.e. whiten up the area, make it "classy", try to reduce crime, and as a result disenfranchise the people of Color and low-income people even more. but anywayz, they brought back Charlie Brown's Cabaret who we all thought had gone into eternal slumber this summer with her finale show. there's also a new club Future which is gonna have "gay Wednesdays" and BDSM in the upstairs and dancing downstairs. oh, and the whole area is pour 'til 4 AM b/c they have some special license. so yeah i figured that'd be a hotspot and a place not to miss, but i didn't see how i could forge the two. i don't really have that many queer, 21+ friends in Atlanta. and then along came my friend Luke, who i don't really know that well, but he has definitely earned my appreciation and trust after fri. night. he knows Liz from this choir we were all in in middle school and high school (although i was only in it 8th grade). so i invited him to the party. oh, and i got Margaret Doig who lives in Decatur to take me to the party, since most of y'all know my license is suspended. did i mention it's the BANE of my muthafuckin' existence?!?! probably but i can't say it enough. but i know there are a lot worse things in the world like that muthafuckin' tsunami or abortion (please don't mistake that this means i think women are akin to natural disasiters. it's miseducation and systems of oppresion that lead to women having abortions).
but anywayz, so i went to the party and it was a lot of fun. Luke showed up a lil' bit after Margaret and i got there (we got lost, btw, of course). it was at Liz's new house in Sandy Springs. i chatted with Pius folk and got caught up and drank a peach martini, smirnoff ice, and champagne. after midnight, we went down the street to the end of cul-de-sac and watched fireworks. shortly after that, Luke and I left for downtown. oh, and i'm almost forgetting, at midnight, i kissed Casey, a high school friend of mine, pretty passionately, there was tongue. she is a girl, just for clarification. i also kissed Luke on the lips. and i hugged some more folk, like Liz.

so yeah, we headed downtown and go to Underground around 1:45. we found a FREE parking space. we had a bit of a walk, but it wasn't that bad, since it wasn't that cold outside. i wore a sleeveless t-shirt. on the way there, another high school friend of mine Jenny Miles screamed out my name as she passed by in a car that was driven by her sister Susie. so we got there and made our way down to Kenny's alley, where all the stuff had opened up. we found Charlie Brown's cabaret but there was a BIGASS line. and it went SOOOOO slow, it was so annoying, and all these people kept cutting us. i don't know if there was some kind of fire code occupancy but the bouncer was going hella slow with letting folk in. so we finally got in around 2:30. the space was all right. they did try to make it look like a cabaret. we found two seats to sit in. Nicole Paige Brooks, who i met out of drag as Brian, actually said hi to me, which i was surprised at, although i'm sure he didn't remember my name. Miss Angelica from Blakes said hi, too. it was cool, pretty entertaining, the show that is, not anything really spectacular though, unless maybe we missed that since we were there late. i never saw Raven perform. Luke bought me a cosmo which was REALLY good. it was $7 (!) so i'm glad he paid for although i was totally prepared to. we left a little bit before 4 to beat the crowds. Luke took me home and i went to bed, my head swimming just a bit but not too bad.

the whole night i spent $2!! i had spent $5.34 the night prior for the cheapass bottle of champagne i brought to the party. the $2 was to a homeless, mentally ill person who came up to my friend Cameron and me when we were waiting outside my apartment b/c he had brought aforementioned champagne to me b/c i had left it in his car the night prior. so yeah, i am BALLIN' ON THAT BUDGET!! wooo!!

i'm not tonight though. i'm just sitting at home reading and writing in this journal. i was invited to go to Gwinnett by my high school friend Matt T. but that's far away and i'm not really sure i have a ride. i also wanted to go to Armorettes show at Burkhart's which is FREE, y'know, but no one 21+ to go with and no one to drive with.
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