New Mod

Aug 24, 2009 20:06

Hello all, I will be your newest addition to the mod team here at queer_rage.

I've been a long time member of this comm (five years-ish) and am happy to see it thriving with over a thousand members (egads!).

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact me or any of the other mods, of course. Our emails are listed on the community's info page.

I would like to take this time to remind people of the rules, particularly the "basic" ones which I have seen violated far too much over the last year.

Comments which do not support the OP are a violation of the rules and will not be tolerated. You will be warned and your comment will be frozen to prevent replies.

Language which violates safe space (use of the term "bitch" is the most frequent) is a violation of the rules and will not be tolerated. You will be warned. If the language is in a post, you will be asked to correct the post as necessary or else it will be deleted. Comments with such language will be frozen.

Debate is also a violation and not tolerated. This is not a free speech community. You are safe to rant, rave, and seek support for frustrating, infuriating, annoying, sickening - whatever - things in the world. But you are not safe to say whatever you want without repercussions. Keep snarky and rude comments to yourselves. If someone has called you on something, suck it up and apologize and learn from it rather than whining and arguing.

If you don't remember the rules clearly, please refresh your memory now.

Edited to Clarify: Comments which are not supportive ARE banned. If you, however, feel the need to call the OP on something, do so respectfully as possible. Coming off as holier-than-thou and turning on the snark 200 % will only make you look like a jerk and probably not teach anyone anything.

However, the best course of action is TO CONTACT THE MODS, as per the rules of the comm if you find something upsetting or offensive about a post or a comment. We will try to deal with things ASAP. It is our job to take care of these things so you basically shouldn't have to.

Similarily, if you see unsupportive comments to a post which doesn't have any problems to call out, or, if a user is causing some kind of wank in the comments - report it to the mods. Thanks!


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