May 10, 2006 17:09
Ever really cried your heart out? a few times
Ever cried yourself to sleep? who hasn't
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex? not lately
Do certain songs make you cry? well, no, not the song itself, if I'm in THAT sort of mood, and it's been THAT sort of day, and I hear THAT song, then maybe (Lisa you always put it the right way) "Fix You" bu Coldplay is on of THOSE songs
Are you a happy person? yes
What can make you happy? my friends, finishing a sudoku, sleep, midnight volleyball, good coffee, a good hair day
Do you wish you were happier? I'm content
Is being happy overrated? no
How many times have you had your heart broken? by a boy: never
Ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? yes
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said "I love you."? from a boy:no
Who do you actually hate? There are a few I strongly dislike, but i try not to think of that much.
Ever made a hit list? no
Have you ever been on a hit list? I was in the 6th grade, because I wore a backbrace...i guess they thought it was contagious
Ever been a mean bully? only to my sister
Do you hate George Bush? i don't hate the disabled
What is your current hair color? brown
Whats your natural color? brown
What color are your eyes? blue
Straight Hair or Curly hair? curly, but mostly frizzy
Current Piercings? ears times 3
Tattoos? that's illegal in oklahoma
What shirt are you wearing? Epangelia t-shirt (phi lamb spring formal, black) with a white undershirt
Shorts/pants: jeans that barely fit...stupid freshman 15...
Shoes? fuzzy blue slippers
Necklaces? james avery cross
Rock or rap: rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: coffee
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in? romantic night in
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: sports car
Bracelet or Necklace: both, please
History or Science: understanding dance
Sleep in or Early to rise: most of the time sleep in, but sometimes waking up feels good (ditto)
Beach or Boardwalk: both
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: depends
Night or Day: both
High School or college: COLLEGE!
California or Florida: Cali
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: ew
Been arrested? nope
Hugged someone? all the time...the last hug I gave today was to Shannon, my Big in Phi Lamb, whom i love to pieces
Been on the phone until the sun came up? oh long chats with lisa back in the day good good times
Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? oh yes. i remember i waws obsessed with jimmy eat world's night drive and it concerned my suitemate
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? peeing is for the potty not for pants...duh
Got in a fight with someone? ew
person you talked to in person? Keelan (for returning a dvd)
person you talked to online? Monica (i will miss her something awful over the summer, she rocks my face off oh so much)
person you talked to on the phone? Molly (soo cute, soo fun, sooo driving to her house at the end of May, she is living with Monica ^ next cool is that??)
drink? water
laugh? lunch with shannon....always tons of laughter
last time you had a shower? Tuesday morning
Do you like surveys: yes, i'm still 14
What kind of shampoo do you use? finess...what my mom buys :)
Do you get along with your parents? yes
Are you old enough to vote? yes, yay for my vote not counting because I'm a democrat and yet i live in two red states
Do you have mental breakdowns? not in a long time
-Current Mood: okay, thinking about all i need to get done before i leave on saturday
-Current Music: silence, because i want my suitemate to think i am still sleeping, but her and her family are being outrageouly loud as they pack up her room
-Current hair: messy messy semi bun
-Current Annoyance: above mentioned suitemate
-Current Longing: to loose weight
-Current thing I ought to be doing: studying calculus
-Current desktop picture?: my home in spring
-Current Favorite Music Artist?: you
-Current CD in stereo: in my car is wow 1999, i was playing tori amos little earthquakes earlier
-Current Worry: not getting into summer school intercession, not making a b in calc, everything not fitting into my and my moms car, not being packed in time, missing my friends....
-Current video or DVD in player: i wish it was muppet treasure island