Hot Fuzz, etc.

Apr 22, 2007 14:32

A bulleted listy entry:

  • I loved Hot Fuzz so much I want to have its babies.
  • This week is going to be all kinds of awful.  I have to write a 12-page paper on interviewing.  Yeah, you read that right.  INTERVIEWING?!?!?!
  • I cannot find the Stephen Colbert flavor of Ben & Jerry's--Americone Dream--anywhere.  What is the deal?  I WANT SOME NOW.  And every time I go to the store I get so disappointed I buy another flavor to cheer myself up.  This is not good!
  • I'm going to live with Margaret next year in the university apartments.  I never planned on living there because you have to share a room... and that is a deal breaker.  But I'm going to get my own room because Margaret is going to be an RA.  Too bad I can't booze it up now.  It's alright, I smoke all my weed at Dana's place now.  Just kidding.
  • So I don't watch TV on TV anymore.  I feel this is great for me because I used to be so preoccupied with television shows and what times they are on and stuff and I had to watch them.  I'll probably catch up on a few this summer.  I've already seen all of Friday Night Lights thanks to reruns on Bravo, but other than that I'm not concerned.
  • I checked out my very first book from the UT library last week.  I had to get on a ladder to get it and everything!  If you're wondering what it is, it's Elizabeth Gaskell's North & South (yes, like the BBC miniseries).  I think I'm going to write my final English paper coming it to Rebecca Harding Davis's Life in the Iron Mills.  The class is American literature (and Gaskell is very British), but I thought it would be fun to compare American to British within the same genre and basically same story.  And any excuse to re-watch the miniseries is just an added bonus.
Well, I guess that 12 page paper isn't going to write itself... but comment with a story or anything interesting so I can procrastinate later.

ETA:  would anyone be interested in a Bobby picspam?

school, movies

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