Going through my old sketch book, I found some stuff I drew oh 3-4 years ago. Since I wanted to play with my new scanner, well I scanned them. Then added some colour in photoshop to at least make them look ok. 5 years of art in High school (I'm 23 and live in Ontario so I was the last age group to have O.A.C. or also known as grade 13)
Why does he have a peg leg? Why is one boob larger than the other and leaning so much? Because I remember this night ,I was so high on shrooms, pot and rye at the time. Joe and Nolan were demanding I draw something so I did.
I mainly like the blood in this picture. Why? Because I'm sick like that. Side note: There is a story behind this one, it kinda happened in real life. The squrriel didn't die so no blood.
And enter the floating heads and bug eyes. I really like floating heads and bug eyes for some reason. I dunno I think it makes them look a lot more cartoony and I feel like I can do more weird cartoon like stuff with them.