Today, I got my first college-related stress experience. How exciting!
When I went to meet my group for Minority Lit., I was 20 minutes late finding them, because I: forgot what they looked like, and didn't know where they were. Great fun. Gina, the other girl in my group was freaking out about having to go to work in a few hours. In stead of using our time productively, she rambled on about quotes and page numbers. I have no idea what she was doing, but she was completely unsure of what she was doing as well. When I asked her about something and tried to copy the set of questions we had to answer, she snapped at me. So I let her do whatever she wanted to do. When she was on the verge of having a meltdown, I asked about the presentation and who was going to do what. Gina said she had already done too much and didn't want to do anymore. I offered to do the actual presentation and handle all the tricky, tedious work, and divied up the questions among the group members.
Yeah, we all hate group work, but it's good to work together and ramble on like a raving lunatic.
I don't know. She said she hadn't gotten any sleep, and she hates people in general. Which was obvious after five minutes of talking to her. Both Tony and I were calm and were more interested in discussing the book than doing whatever she was doing. But using my magical Cracker Barrel skills, I had her calmed down withing fifteen minutes of me talking and dividing the work. Amazing what actual leadership will do.
I have so much to read. I'm sick of reading. This week I have to read (for sure):
Twelfth Night by Shakespeare
West of the Jordan by Laila Halaby
And then some other small assignments for other classes.
I have my poem completed for my Writing 320 class. Deranged sonnets are much more fun than traditional-fun-with-scansion sonnets. The sonnet is below:
It's so much better to talk face-to-face
in my opinion.
I've never been one to need too much space
to have any conversation.
I prefer my conversations with laughing and smiles
faces, gestures and hugging. That's how friends communicate.
Distance is a test of friendship in years and miles.
High-tech communication devices are great
for easy contact
analog text on a screen can't project sincerity
nuances are missed over phone lines, however abstract,
both of which make strengthen familiarity
among friends. Once strangers, eventually family.
What a feeling, to catch up for hours over a cup of coffee.
I should start working on Christmas presents too. I think that I'll be able to work on some at work. I have a lot of free time. I have two almost done. I should finish them so I can think about other presents. Also working on something will help with stress, I think.
Two of the Gifts:
Flower Scarf For XXXXXXXXXX
Red Beret for Mom
I've got skills.